Never Quit

“Winners never quit, and quitters never win.”

We all have experienced many incidents in our life in which we have to make choice and that too within a limited time. The decision then defines our future. I am quite sure, many of you now have came across of such incident now, of your own life. One such has happened with me in my last attempt of NDA Examination.

Alarm was ringing and I woke up. I was not in my complete senses as the time was 02:00 am. Doing all the needful I boarded the train at 03:00 am from my hometown to Delhi. It is usually a journey of maximum three and half hours but that day I was quite nervous and even a single bit of time was giving a glimpse of an hour. Half of journey was covered and suddenly train went through some technical issue and an announcement was made to wait for 1 hour. I already had planned my journey with a buffer of two hours so I was relaxed.

It is very fairly said that “Time and Tide wait for no one”.

I was losing time, sun came up bright and shine and now I started feeling nervous. Already an hour passed and there was no update about fixing of the technical issue of train. At this very point I had two options in front of me- (i) I could have wait for further update of train and experience all the stress and if got late then blame the circumstances for whole of my life. (ii) I must search for an alternative mode of transport and continue my journey and give my best so that I won’t regret in future.

No sooner had I came across with these thoughts when I left the station where the train was halted and soon travelled by bus and reached my destination in time. All things went well and after my exam I felt a sense of satisfaction within me. While returning to my hometown I got to know that the train by which I was travelling in morning was five hours late to reach its destination.

With this incident I learned a lesson, many of us make excuses to satisfy ourselves why we cant achieve it but the thing is we forget that there is always a choice to make at each and every instant of our life and standing at the threshold of making choice our next step defines our future what it will look like. Either we can just ignore and give excuses blaming the circumstances or we can make right choice with a clear mindset of not giving up and cherish the coming time. Again the choice is ours….

-Shikhar Swami

7 thoughts on “Never Quit”

  1. Such a big msg with such simple words, remind me of ur dedication for that exam..
    Doing Great, Keep going brother…!

  2. Such a heavy msg with such simple words remind me of ur dedication for that exam..
    Doing Great,Keep going brother…!!

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