Stay Happy and Stay Beautiful.

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It is rightly said ” For every single minute we are angry, we tend to lose the beautiful sixty seconds of happiness in our life. But people hardly tend to give importance to those sixty seconds. Imagine the period you have been angry and multiply all those minutes with sixty, now that’s a huge number. Do we realize how much precious time we tend to lose every day or have lost already by just not being happy enough? 

Happiness is not something that comes handy or is being served ready-made. It comes from our actions. It is said a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world. First, someone to love, second something that he loves or enjoys doing, and lastly, something that he hopes for. The most important thing in life is to enjoy our life, to be happy eternally, it’s all that matters. To become so strong that nothing can disturb our peace of mind. To attain this one needs to talk about health, happiness, and prosperity. Happiness does not come automatically. One needs to choose to live happily, to live with integrity, principles, moral values, and equally important is to have a balance in life. It is this balance that will make our journey through life smooth and effective. 

 At times we may feel empty, vague, lost, or even have an existential crisis when we feel that we do not know where are we heading towards or where is our life taking us. It is very easy to get caught up in the challenges and negative situations of the world. Since a very young age, we tend to receive education in a variety of areas and fields, but happiness is usually not one of them. Neither the textbooks nor an individual teaches us how to overcome this negativeness or even deal with it. Only life lessons and its incidents teach us to overcome such situations.

Feeling peaceful, happy, and content is not about avoiding challenges in our life, but about how we navigate through these challenges to reach the type of life we want to live. Keeping balance in all situations is of utmost importance as it takes us to the ultimate happiness and completeness. To live a happy life, with integrity and with balance, is one of life’s amazing secrets. The secret of happiness is finding balance not too much and not too little. 

Happiness is the result of the personal effort you make. You fight for it, strive for it, insist upon it, and sometimes even travel around the world looking for it. Be grateful for what you already have while you strive for your goals. If you aren’t grateful for what you already have, then nothing in this world can make you happy. So don’t waste your time in anger, worries, grudges, or regrets. Life is too short to be unhappy. In the end, all that matters is happy memories and experiences.

So Stay Happy and Stay Beautiful. 


2 thoughts on “Stay Happy and Stay Beautiful.”

  1. Sindhoora Shetty

    Impressive! This article is so convincing. Will look forward to your writing.

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