What is a successful life to you?

Let us put the above asked question aside for a while and let me ask you a new, easy, straightforward question , What is life? The most probable answer would be , “It is a period in which a living being is able to breathe, his heart beats properly, etc.. Yes, it is correct if seen via biological glasses. But, I think the concept of life is far beyond than this scientific definition. According to me, ” Life is a journey, where time is our path which leads us to our destination which is our goal.
Nature gives every individual akin opportunities to paint their life with brushes of hard work and patience. And who effectively manages the given time, will surely hug his/her dreams
Now let us turn our eyes to the next part of question asked, “what is success? I think success is not all about how much wealth, fame, etc. we accumulate but it is our ability how efficiently we face our failures and learn from them. It is a divine capability bestowed upon us by the Almighty.
Let us Open our heads to a very simple relation of life with physics, yes physics. We have studied about a wave in physics, no problem it is a very simple topic, if you haven’t than you can still understand the thing. A wave is like zigzag in which a particle has to ascend and descend. Life is same, there are moments when we have to ascend and to descend. All we need is a little Fillip when we ascend and a controlled resistance while we descend. If we are able to do so and learn how to move with time towards our destination and able to face the adversities of life HEAD ON, congrats! , you have already achieved your destination.

-Vijayveer Malik

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