G. Rohini Commission

The Rohini commission was recent in news and hence it becomes important for us to know everything about it.

Starting with the formation of the commission. It was formed on October 2nd 2017. Under the Article 340

Before this commission it was NCBC which had a constitutional status granted by the centre (National Commission For Backward Classes)

We know that reservations for OBCs  is 27% for jobs [Art.16(4)] and education [Art.15(4)] under central government.

2008 the apex court directed the central government to keep away the creamy layer of the OBCs (generally the advanced sections)


Before we get into more on the commission lets understand what is Article 340.

Article 340 simply says: The president by the recommendation of the parliament can appoint a commission which includes personalities who are fit to investigate the conditions that how the backward classes population is facing difficulties related to their social development and Education among the society and make suggestion to the Union or state to look into the issues brought by the commission in their report and to implement them effectively so as to put an end to the problems which is keeping them away from part of the society.

When such commission is made its set out a procedure to follow:

• The commission shall investigate the matters they are asked to do so and submit a report to President setting out the facts which they concluded from their investigation and would recommend suggestion which they think proper

• The President shall cause to take a copy of the report and lay it In front of parliament explaining the actions to be taken further to each House of Parliament

The commission is headed by the Justice (Retd.) G. Rohini, of the Delhi High Court. The other member in the Commission is former journalist Jitendra Bajaj, director of the Centre for Policy Studies. The commission is given a task of sub categorisation of the castes under Central list

What is sub-categorisation of OBCs?

o As we discussed above the reservation for OBCs are granted of 27% in jobs and Education under Union government.

o But last year on September, a constitutional Bench of the apex court reopened the legal debate on sub categorising of SC and ST for reservations

o The debate aroused because of the perception that only a minor part of the whole communities is enjoying and have received major part of this 27% reservation. Whereas the Central List includes 2600 communities.

o The argument and need of the sub categorising within OBCs would ensure the “equitable distribution” of all the communities under OBCs.

What are the Commission’s terms of reference?

o We have studied in our Polity whenever a commission is brought into effect it is given with certain parameters known as “term of references”

o This commission when setup was given three terms of reference as:

  • To examine the unevenness in the distribution benefits among the sub castes under OBCs. E.g. certain sub castes would not be entered in the list because of change in spelling
  •  Figure out the mechanism and the parameter through which the sub categorisation would be done. i.e. how to identify the sub castes classification of them on basis of parameters which are to be decided.
  •  Submission of the comprehensive report after consultation with various stake holders so that Census 2021 can include the data on OBCs.
  •  But A fourth term of reference was added on January 22, 2020, when the Cabinet granted it an extension:

To study the various entries in the Central List of OBCs and recommend correction of any repetitions, ambiguities, inconsistencies and errors of spelling or transcription.

Work Done:

o It currently had meeting with the state governments, state backward classes commissions and other associations etc.

o Other than that its collecting data of OBCs in higher educational institutions and their job placement in the union services.


• Department of Social Justice and Empowerment is the department which is taking all the expenses.

Reasons for Extension:

o The commission got its extension for July 31st  because of certain reasons as:

  • The commission requires more time to verify with central list and compare with that of the data provided by the state governments And verify the spelling mistakes, ambiguity and inconsistencies.
  •  Another reason was that due COVID-19 pandemic has slowed down the commission performance since state government are facing shortage of staff at various departments due to pandemic.

Possible Outcomes:

o The commission would come up with recommendations which will benefit the existing list of OBCs who were kept away from the benefits they should have got as per the reservation scheme for job and admission in educational institutions


  • Indian Express
  • Economic Times
  • Drishti IAS



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