Cyber Security in INDIA

-What is cyber security?  

Cyber security is a concern in which we have to protect our cyber space(digital data) from cyber threats.

What is cyber threat?


–  Cyber threats is malicious threat which issue to damage and pilfer our data. Cyber threat include computer virus ,data breaches ,Dos (denial of Service) and other attacks.

-Types of cyber threats?

-(!) Malware
  (!)Denial-Of-Service attack
  (!)Man in-the-middle attack
  (!)Zero-day exploit
  (!)DNS tunnelling

(!)Malware-_ Malware breaches a network Through a dangerous link or email attachment that install risky software.


(!)-Phishing_– Phishing is use to sending Fraudulent communication mostly by email.The sender steal sensitive data like credit card and login information or to install malware in the victims system

Example -Cyber criminals send phishing Emails that includes fake website and steal our details like D.O.B ,name address etc.

(!)DoS- A DOS attack mean to shut down machine or network to make it it inaccessible to its intended user.


(!)SQL injection_– A( Structured Query Language) attacker insert Malicious code into a Server that uses SQL Server and forces the server to reveal information.


Example- IN 2015 an SQL injection was used to steal the personal details of 156,959 customers from British telecommunication company.

(!)Zero day-exploit– A zero day exploit occurs on the same day a weakness is discovered in software.At that point ,it exploited before a fix becomes available from its creator.

Example-IN 2014 ,STUXNET, malicious worm targeted computers for manufacturing purposes in countries many nd in India Sony pictures was the victim of that attack.

(!)Man in the middle attack-A man in the middle attack perpetrator positions himself in a conversation between a user and an application.

Example -A fake website may be used to capture financial login information.The fake site is in the middle between the user and the actual website.

 (!)DNS tunnelling- The following image will describe better



India ranks 2nd in terms of population and ranked 3rd in the list of countries where highest number of cyber threats were detected.

Our country ranked 15th on the world in terms of cyber security Why we are at number 3rd because of our outdated system and processes while we do enjoy smart personal devices ,a large part of corporate and business technology system continue to depend on outdated systems and poor or inadequate cyber security protection
Cyber attacks caused direct impact on jobs ,innovation ,economic growth and also impact on social life. .It also effect our personal life like sometimes hackers hackes our mobile phones in which our personal data resides and that’s how cases of blackmailing increases.

After the Demonetisation cyber crimes has increased rapidly because of lack of proper skill and process to use any device.

Demonetisation forced people to use digital payment platforms which gave opportunity to these cyber criminals .

Over 313,000 cyber security incidents were reported in 2019 alone and India became the witnessed the second -hightest number of cyber attacks in the world between 2016 and 2018.
According to government’s reports almost 300% cyber attacks rise in 2020 in during the covid-19 pandemic because of work from home initiative . Now It became much  easier to breach the systems as everything is now becoming digital asset.

Most popular attacks in india–=

(!)July 2016- union bank of India heist


(!)May 2017—DATA THEFT AT ZOMATO                                                             




In 2013 India introduce NATIONAL CYBER SECURITY policy.The purpose of this framework documents is to ensure a secure and resilient cyberspace for citizens,business and government but this policy has many loop hols because policy does not explain how the government will maintain a balance between the protection of cyber security and the protection of civil liberties and also not speak about   ,how it would be processed and will be used and many more.

In India Lack of cyber experts and technology is also becoming a major concern . Nearly 61% of Indian organisations lack with well structured cyber security training models for their employees. Lack of funding also impact the supply of skilled professionals in India’s cyber security space. Result of this only 21 states have cyber crime investigation cell in India. Even in some states they don’t have any cyber crime investigation cell . That’s  why most of time we are unable to find the origin of attacks. Nation wide cyber strategy ,policies and procedures also are reasons behind the failure.


 As a government

(!) Government should ensures that every state should have their cyber crime investigation cell.

( !)They should  implement effective policies without loop holes so that the experts can work without any disturbance.

(!) For increasing the participation of tech experts, government should also increase their pay scales.

As a user

1-Use strong password
2-Put up firewall
3-Use security software
4-Update programs and system regularly
5-Raise awareness.


  • Google
  • The Hindu
  • Times of India


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