Recent schemes of Women and Child Development Ministry

Recent schemes of Women and Child Development Ministry If you want a Good Mother, Sister and Wife, then start educating and nourishing a woman. To develop our country we need our children to be healthy, well-educated and future proof. For the much needed impetus to the holistic development of woman and children the Department of Woman and Child Development has been upgraded to a full-fledged ministry from 30.01.2006. Its main motive is to promote safety, social and economic empowerment of woman and protection, care and development of children through cross cutting policies, programmes and schemes.
All the schemes and programmes under this ministry have been classified under three umbrella schemes i.e. Mission Poshan 2.0, Mission Vatsalya and Mission Shakti. In the table all the schemes under the umbrella schemes and the fund allocated to it by the last budget 2020-21 has been mentioned.

Below i have discussed all the umbrella and scheme and included scheme in details:
1. Mission Poshan 2.0: To provide enough nutritional content and to strengthen its delivery, outreach and outcomes, government has merged two programmes which are Supplementary Nutrition Programme and Poshan Abhiyan to launch Mission POSHAN 2.0.

ICDS is known as Integrated Child Development Scheme which aimed at development of children below 6 years of age and pregnant women and  lactating mothers and women 16-44 years of age by providing a package of  six services. They are (i) Supplementary nutrition (ii) Pre-school non-formal  education; (iii) Nutrition and health education; (iv) Immunization (v) Health  checkup and (vi) Referal services through Anganwadi Centres at base  level.

POSHAN Abhiyaan: It was launched in 2018 to tackle with the problem of malnutrition. It will target the children from 0-6 years, Adoloscent Girls,  Pregnant women and Lactating Mothers in a time bound manner and  reduction in stunting, wasting and anaemia in women and children.

Under the “Scheme for Adolescent Girls”, girls in the age group of 11-14 years  are provided supplementary nutrition containing 600 calories, 18-20 grams of  protein and micronutrients for 300 days in a year. Pre-school  non-formal  education Immunizatio n Referal  services  through  Anganwadi  Centres Health  checkup Nutrition  and health  education Supplement ary nutrition ICDS

In National Crèche Scheme there will be an integrated package for the children of  (6 months to 6 years) of working mothers. This package includes (i) Day care  facilities including sleeping facilities (ii) Early stimulation for children below 3  years and preschool education for 3 to 6 years old children (iii) Supplementary  nutrition (iv) Growth monitoring (v) Health Check-up and immunization.

2. Mission VATSALYA: Under this scheme many initiatives to ensure  safety and well-being of children has been taken.

3. Mission Shakti: The Constitution of the India has granted and protected equal rights to women and men in terms of freedom, equality andopportunity.  It has enabled the woman to be the author of her own destiny, a life-cycle  continuing approach is being adopted that creates an ecosystem that addresses  inherent biases and role plays and equips them with skill sets and etches  confidence in them to forge their way ahead. Therefore to protect safety, dignity and security of women are paramount importance for Government.

Under SAMBAL yojona there are schemes like One Stop Centre, Mahila  Police Volunteer, Women’s Helpline, Swadhar, Ujjawala, and Widow  Homes etc.

i. One Stop Centre (OSC) scheme: OSCs aim to facilitate women affected by  violence with a range of integrated services under one roof such as police  facilitation, medical aid, providing legal and proper aid and counselling,  psycho social counselling, interim shelter etc. Till now 733 OSCs have been  approved to be set up in all over India. Among these 684 OSCs have been  already established.

ii. Scheme of Universalization of Women Helpline: The Scheme of Women Helpline through the short code 181 provides 24 hours emergency and non- emergency response to women affected by violence, both in public and private  spaces by connecting them with appropriate authority such as Police, One Stop  Centre, Hospital, Legal Services etc. Woman Help Line also supports women in  problem with rescue van and counselling services in addition to providing  information about women welfare schemes and programs across the country.

iii. Mahila Police Volunteer: The Mahila Police Volunteers take care of linkage for women who need cordial assistance with law enforcement agencies  and various government programmes and initiatives.

Under SAMARTHYA scheme there are lot of scheme like Beti Bachao  Beti Padhao(BBBP), pradhan Mantri Matri Vandhana yojona, Gender  Budgeting, Research, Ujjawala etc.

i. Beti Bachao Beti Padhao: BetiBachaoBetiPadhao (BBBP) scheme has been  launched to address the declining Child Sex Ratio (CSR) and related  women empowerment. It is a effort of three ministries including Ministries of  Women and Child Development, Health & Family Welfare and Human  Resource Development. The important elements of the scheme include ,  advocacy campaign, nation-wide awareness and multi-sectorial intervention.

ii. Ujjawala : Ujjawala Scheme is for Prevention of trafficking and for  Rescue, Rehabilitation, Re-integration and Repatriation of victims of  trafficking. Under this scheme, funds are provided to implementing agencies  for Rescue and Rehabilitation of victims of trafficking.

iii. Pradhan Mantri Matri Vandhana yojona: This scheme targets all pregnant women and lactating mothers. This scheme pledged that such women  will be given partial compensation for the wage loss in terms of cash incentives  so that these women can get adequate rest after and before delivery of the first  living child


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