Russia-India-China Relations

Russia-India-China Relations



  1. Russia-India-China (RIC) grouping was created in 1998, under a leadership of former Russian Foreign minister Yevgeny Primakov.
  2. RIC consists of the 3 largest Eurasian countries, resulting into significant multilateral grouping.

*Yevgeny Primakov – Russian Politician and Diplomat, Prime Minister between 1998-1999.



  1. Build better and stronger ties to transform the Central Asia.
  2. Effective network trade between Asian and Arabic countries.
  3. Ease out the tension on LAC (Line of Actual Control)


Firstly, there are fundamental differences between India and China:-

  1. India and China shared common goals against domination and tried to build a better world, before World War II, but it was not possible when WWII came. Reason was that China was fighting Japan and simultaneously India with Britain.

India and Britain (WWII)                    China and Japan (WWII)


But a hope after independence to form a post-colonial world by China-India was again not possible due to Sino-Soviet difference and then China and India differences. So WWII created a condition that we couldn’t work together.

  1. Beijing and New Delhi differences – Beijing judge India interfering in Pakistan and China relation.
  2. Balancing factor: – If one country feels afraid of the dominance of the other, it uses balancing factor.


China balance India, by developing ties with Pakistan and India balance China by building relation with Japan and US.

So here Russia bridges gap between India and China.



  1. De-escalation of tension along Line of Actual Control (LAC).

Sino Indian Border issues



  1. Also the ongoing connectivity – International North South Trade Corridor (INSTC) between India, Russia and Iran is an effective initiative for presence of India in Central Asia, along with Russia and China.

                      International North South Trade Corridor (INSTC)


  1. In matters of defence partnership with Russia, India remains strong. So accessing through the Russia’s substantial natural resources enhances material security of India.

 Left: – Sergey Lavrov (Russian Foreign minister)   

Right: – S. Jaishankar (Indian External Affairs minister)


  1. With China, India will have to multilaterally decide upon the matter ranging from border issues, technology to economy.


Not an Anti-US tie:-

  1. While the 3 great Eurasian countries forming strategic importance to transform lateral to multi-lateral order, this was not an anti-US construct.


  1. These 3 countries (RIC) share a perspective which are distinct from West, such as sovereignty, territorial integrity (state of being undivided), but also hold an essential relationship with US to their global ambitions.


In News: – 1.  Holding presidency of RIC as well as SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organisation) and BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), Russia has been playing an important role in alleviating Sino – Indian tension and brings down to a mutual understanding.

  1. Just like US, China has objections with Moscow’s supply of arms to New Delhi (S-400 missile – surface to air missile).

But the relation between India and Russia is strong.

  1. Russia has been a friend of India since long time, it not only provided us with arms, but also helped us by politically supporting us various regional issues.


Future: – The grouping plays an important role, in strengthening the relations and build a strong future in Central Asia.

The ties between India and China would take time to improve and heal more by mutually deciding upon the issues, building an important triangle.






Drishti IAS

Insights of India

Global Times

The Hindu

Jagran Josh

Economic Times

The Kootneeti

The Print

Observer Research Foundation (ORF)

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