A Gentle Reminder. Do Not Stress.

Many of us struggle or might be struggling with stress at present. Be at work or in our personal life. But like any other problem, stress also requires a strategic approach to conquer, or at least manage.

Many of us believe that Stress is real, but actually it is an ignorant state of mind. It makes an individual believes that everything is the state of an emergency. In fact, some people are so used to experiencing stress that they don’t even remember what life was without it. But the truth is that there is no actual thing like stress or anxiety in this world, it’s your own thoughts that create these false beliefs. We always have a choice, either we can let this stress consume us or we learn to have control over it.

The best way is to do something that relaxes you. It can be anything from slow breathing to stretching exercises, yoga, a massage, meditation, listening to music, reading, a hot bath, or shower or get a hobby that you enjoy doing. Learn to accept things that you cannot change. Think positive. Set limits. Most importantly learn to say NO. Take one thing at a time. Get good hours of sleep each night. Eat a healthy diet, limit caffeine and sugar. Talk to your family and friends, discuss the problems. Most importantly Do not deal with stress in unhealthy ways such as eating too much or not eating enough at all. Using tobacco products, drinking alcohol or drugs does no good. Believe me, onto this, it will rather destroy you even more. And at last, if you think the situation is beyond limits, get help from a professional. A counselor can help you cope with stress and deal with problems in much better ways.

In the end, Life has many ways of testing a person’s will, either by having nothing happen at all or by having everything happen all at once. Love yourself enough to set boundaries. Your time and energy are precious. A year from now, everything you have been stressing upon won’t even matter. Say NO to the demands of the world and start Saying YES to the longings of your own heart.

Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated. So LIVE, LAUGH, DANCE, and LET IT GO.

-Riya Kumari

8 thoughts on “A Gentle Reminder. Do Not Stress.”

  1. Very simple way of living that people often didn’t understand, very well written.

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