Science and Tech

Navigating the Ethical Landscape of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative force, revolutionizing industries and reshaping our daily lives. From self-driving cars to personalized recommendations, AI is ubiquitous, offering convenience and efficiency on an unprecedented scale. However, as AI permeates our world, it is crucial to consider the ethical implications of this powerful technology. A primary concern surrounding […]


  National Technology Day is observed as a tribute to the contributions of individuals in the field of Science and Technology. It is observed  every year on 11th of May. This article highlights the history & significance of ‘National Technology Day’ in India. THEME FOR 2021 : “Science and Technology for a Sustainable future” HISTORY 

PRACRITI – Prediction and Assessment of Corona Infection and Transmission in India

IIT Delhi researchers have developed a web-based dashboard for predicting the spread of COVID-19 in India. The mobile-friendly dashboard, named as PRACRITI (PRediction and Assessment of CoRona Infections and Transmission in India) gives detailed state-wise and district-wise predictions of COVID-19 cases in India. The projections are given for a three week period, which is updated


OBJECT DETECTION THROUGH DEEP         LEARNING INTRODUCTION: Object Detection is a common computer vision problem that deals with the identification and the localization of object of certain classes in the image.  The interpretation of object localization can be done in various ways, including creating a bounding box  around the object or marking every pixel in the

Biological Magnification

BIOLOGICAL MAGNIFICATION Definition :- Biological magnification is the increasing concentration of toxic substances ( poisonous chemicals) to build up within organisms that take place at each stage of food chain. Biological magnification also known as Biomagnification or Bioamplification The buildup of toxic increases at each stage of food chain progressively. For example, when a lion

Space probes to mars

What is a space probe? A space probe is a robotic spacecraft that travels outside the earth’s orbit . They are designed to operate on their own and are used to get close-up images and other information back to earth in the form of radio waves for scientists to analyze. Space probes carry special cameras and scientific


  The auroras in Earth’s Northern Hemisphere are called the aurora borealis. Their southern counterpart, which light up the Antarctic skies in the Southern Hemisphere, are known as the aurora australis.    HOW IT IS FORMED? Sun’s corona (outermost atmosphere) consists of the fourth state of matter, i.e. Plasma (collection of charged particles). This Plasma


       WEAPONIZATION OF SPACE We can hear about “MISSION SHAKTI” made INDIA is the fourth country to successfully destroy a satellite in orbit, US, RUSSIA, and most recently CHINA. Weaponization of  space Treaty:  1967 outer space treaty bans the stationing of WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION (WMD) in outer space, prohibits military activities on celestial


RT-PCR Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction This test is helpful in detection and research of genetic diseases. And is being used in the detection of SARS-Cov-02 popularly known as corona virus. *So let us understand how the test is done:- 1) Swabs are used to collect samples from Nose or Throat. Sometimes blood can be


Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS) has an operational named called as NavIC and it’s acronym is Navigation with Indian Constellation. WHY DID WE CREATE NavIC?Indian Military in 1999 was dependent on American Global Position System (GPS). We were then fighting a war against Pakistan which is known as Kargil War. We asked for help

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