
Defence Acquisition Council

Defence Acquisition Council Introduction:- Defence Acquisition Council (DAC) is the highest decision making body in terms of defence by the Defence Ministry for:- Deciding upon new policies Capital (acquisition) for 3 Services (Army, Navy, Air Force) and Indian Coast Guard. Chairman of Defence Acquisition Council: – Defence Minister Till now DAC has approved procurement of […]

Integrated Theatre Command’s

                                          THEATRE COMMANDS Theatre commands was first introduced as a defence reforms after the appointment of THE CHIEF OF DEFENCE STAFF(CDS). According to the report of pentagon, China is rapidly modernising its war-fighting capabilities. So,

NSG – National Security Guard related facts for SSB/AFSB, CDS, AFCAT, and NDA

“Sarvatra Sarvottam Suraksha” These  words remind us of THE BLACK CATS – India’s  finest warriors.  NSG is Federal Contingency World Class Zero Error Force specially equipped and trained to deal with specific situations and is, therefore,  used only in exceptional circumstances to thwart serious acts of terrorism. ETHOS  The essence of the NSG is based

Regiments of Indian Army

Regiments of Indian Army What is Regiment? The word Regiment comes from a Latin word ‘regimen’ which implies a rule or system of order and describes the Regiment’s functions of raising, equipping and training of troops. Every Regiment has its own characteristic colours, coat of arms, uniform and insignia. Each regiment is headed by the

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