(Novel corona virus)
Covid an virus which belongs to orthocoronovirinae kindom which has classified further into 2 types coronavirinae and letovirinae in which coronavirinae is further classified into 4 types namely
- Alphacorona virus
- Betacorona virus
- Gammacorona virus
- Deltacorona virus
Here alpha and beta human pathogens.
Once upon a time in 1930 corona was discovered in humans later after in 1965 first corona was isolated which was HCoV-229E(human corona 229e) after HCoV-NL63,HCoV-OC43,HCoV-HKUI,MERS-CoV,SARS-CoV,SARS-CoV2(covid-19)
In which NL63 and OC43 are type alpha and rest are type beta.
The article’s main topic COVID-19 was first detected in Wuhan,china in Dec 2019. But identified on 9 Jan 2020,later it’s outbreak became a epidemic in China by January and dur it’s dramatic spread over globe it was declared pandemic on 11 march 2020.
First positive case in India was registered on 30 Jan and it was 6 until 3 mar which suddenly raised to 28 and from then states like Kerala, Maharashtra declared lockdown due to severity of situation,then PM Modi announced janta curfew will there on 22 March 2020 which was successful and then lockdown has been implemented for entire India from 25 mar 2020. From then we had observed 4 phases of lockdown up to 31 may 2020 with 21 days ,19 days ,14 days ,14 days respectively. Then we had observed unlock phases there are 3 phases until now,where we are in 3 phase which completes on 31 Aug 2020.
GoI has launched an application called arogya setu to track and monitor the people which also provides the public information about the surrounding areas and public nearby.
As on today (i.e.,22 Aug 2020) we have 2.98M registered cases and 55,795 deaths with a doubling time of 17 days and recovery rate at 75%.
Since there is no particular medicine or vaccine to covid there is no particular way of treatment. So covid effected people are suggested and being isolated to prevent the spread and support system is been provided according to the patients problem and most common medicine which has been used globally are dexamethasone,ibuprofen,hydroxychloroquine,azithromycin,remdesivir and also doctor’s suggests to maintain vitamins balance so public in preventive measures started using medicine like paracetamol,levocitrazine, vitamin c and d tablets.
Covalent plasma treatment which has been very effective in treatment of covid and preferred mostly but not certified as appropriate way,where covalent plasma (plasma of recovered patient) which has antibodies which are effective in fighting virus is given to effected patients to help them in recovery.
Symptoms Observed In Covid Cases
Head ache,cold,drycough,nasal blockage, tiredness are mostly observed and symptoms like diarrhoea,conjuctivitis,sore throat,loss of smell and taste,rashes, discoloration of fingers are mildly observed.
In serious cases symptoms like pain in chest, difficulty in respiration,loss of speech or movement is noticed.
Vaccine why it so time taking or difficult even in this modern era
Since it’s a virus we need a antiviral medicine or vaccine which should be able to tackle or target at part of cycle of virus so that reproduction must get stopped since viruses reproduce very fast and also anti viral should not harm any other cells part of human body also viruses are adaptive means they mutate or change there dna or rna structure according to conditions. So to make a vaccine to meet all criteria and test it to prove it safe takes time.
Due covid we have seen lockdown which impacted very highly on economic conditions of many countries and regards health of public which has to been observed continuously coz we don’t know will covid can attack to a same person or not.
It also introduced a new way of living which involves social distancing,onlie education, regular sanitation,etc.,
In present time we all have a common wish i.e., to have a vaccine for covid but still we all need remind the words of supreme court
” Life cannot stop ” and move ahead in life with preventive measures.
- Wikipedia and others.
Its so much helpful and accurate information about this pandemic.
And i congratulate for your critical analysis and hard work for collecting, information from your own point of view.