Daily class assignment for 07 April 2020

In order to help you achieve your dream of being an officer in the armed forces of the country, I have brought a new initiative. Every day I will be providing you with some assignment in the telegram channel (https://t.me/thessbprep).

As mentioned earlier, we will be publishing the daily assignment over here. You should submit your answers in the comment box below. Submit your answers within 12 hours of the class, otherwise the answers submitted will not be evaluated. I prefer quality over quantity, and thus I am putting this restriction.

Feel free to reach out to me on telegram in case you have any questions.

Today’s Assignment (07-April-20)

Write short note on any one of the following topics:

  1. Indian Air Force
  2. Indian Army
  3. Indian Navy

Submit your answers by commenting below.

Jai Hind!

11 thoughts on “Daily class assignment for 07 April 2020”

  1. Vishal kadian

    Indian army
    One of the most influential standing army of the whole world , with marka Of “nation first people always ” , blossom the youths of India and help them to chanalise thier energy to serve the country with greater good , Here he not just a babu sitting in the office but a trainer specifically the leader with a course of adventure complete the situation assigned to him . Indian army with High effecient technology allows the helping hand to and from countries like Russia , USA ,France to add better equipment tht helps them to maintain the tight security around its corners specially when neighbour like Pakistan always waiting to harm from any side . Also the indigenous goods designed by DRDO and HAL are nourishing the arsenal of the country including water as well as air protection . Any country is known for its economical and security standards therefore if India from its major opponent ‘China’in Asian continent ,wants to lead in its ways than in future more concerns to be put on the borders in north and look forward in structuring the goal from developing nation to the developed one .

  2. “lNDIAN NAVY”
    A part of armed forces of India holding rank fifth in the world.
    It’s motto is , “SHAM NO VARUNA” (may the Lord of the water be auspicious) .
    navy having anniversary 4 December called as ” navy day “.
    president of India is the commander- in – chief of Indian Navy presently Ram nath kovid . The chief of naval staff heads navy and having rank of admiral; presently is Admiral Karambir Singh . Indian Navy having 3 commands ;
    A.western commands is at Mumbai B. Eastern commands at visakhapatnam C.southern commands at Kochi. In which two is operational commands one is Eastern and another one is Western commands and one is training commands i.e southern commands each commands operate under vice admiral .
    As for power of Indian Navy having aircraft carrier INS viraat ,worships INS savitri having submarine INS chakra, surface to surface miles ,fleet tanker INS vibhuti ,INS vipul .INS vikrant is under construction .
    The main purpose of the India navy is to safeguard the nation’s Maritime borders.

  3. Ganesh jadhav

    Indian army is the land based branch of Indian armed forces which was founded on 1 April 1895 during the period of East India company, which later became British Indian Army. During the world wars Indian army been a part of British forces.

    After independence it became a national army of India whose supreme commander is the president of India & it is commanded by Chief of army staff. Major role of Indian Army is to ensure national security and maintain the peace of nation form internal as well as external threats.It has seven different command’s in different parts of country.As India share a total 15106.7 km boarder with 7 neighboring countries ( china,Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Bhutan and Nepal ). Indian army give their frontline security to this all land borders.

    Pakistan and China always being a bad neighbors for the nation. As Army had war in 1962 with china & Also India had 3 wars with Pakistan in all wars Pakistan defeated badly in which Army play a vital role. After independence on the request from Kashmir prince Raja Hari Singh Army had beaten Pakistan in Kashmir and the Kashmir became a part of India. Indian army carried out a successful cross border sergical strike against terrorist in POK after uri incident.
    Army always been shown their service in the security of nations whether it is internals insurgency or terrorists attack in Kashmir or any other part of nation. It also gave they contribution in Natural disasters like floods where they help the peoples. Recently they launched ‘Mission Namste’ to fight against COVID-19.

  4. “Indian Army” a place where dreams can be turned into reality. A field which gives you opportunities to explore and experience day to day challenges in life. Being the part of army gives you many big responsibilities with discipline nurtured in you. Army pushes you notch by notch to bring out the best within you.

    Indian Army also have a great war experience. It always sets an example in front of the country by its kind nature as well as the first to react in need of any kind of situation. It is said that where sun rays cannot reach there goes the poet but if anyone is to with my opinion then the place where poet fails to go are conquered by Indian Army.

    In the Kargil war Indian Army has the example that officers in Indian Army leads from front, they do not order there troops from behind which makes it special in anyway. Many of the officers like Capt. Vikram Batra (13 JAK rif.), capt. Manoj Pandey (1/11 Gurkha Rif.) capt. Vijayant Thapar (Rajputana Rif.) and many more has done an extra ordinary deed which is unforgettable no matter how far the history goes.

    To be concluded join the Indian Army and ‘live a life less ordinary’.

  5. Shweta Choudhary

    The Indian Air Force (IAF) is the air arm of the Indian Armed Forces.
    Its complement of personnel and aircraft assets ranks fourth amongst the air forces of the world. Its primary mission is to secure Indian airspace and to conduct aerial warfare during armed conflict.
    It was officially established on 8 October 1932 as an auxiliary air force of the British Empire which honored India’s aviation service during World War II with the prefix Royal. After India gained independence from the United Kingdom in 1947, the name Royal Indian Air Force was kept and served in the name of Dominion of India.
    With the government’s transition to a Republic in 1950, the prefix Royal was removed after only three years. The headquarters of the IAF is at new Delhi.
    MOTTO : ‘NABHA SPRSHAM DIPTAM’ ( touch the sky with glory) .the motto has been taken from the eleventh chapter of the Gita.

    ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE: : It has 5+2 commands : western , eastern , central, south Western, southern air commands and training and maintenance commands .

    BRANCHES : Aeronautical engineering branch, flying branch, ground duties.

    FLEET OF THE IAF : fighters, helicopters, transports .

    2 . MARSHAL OF IAF . Arjan Singh (DFC) he was the five Star officer
    3. Padmavati bandopadhay is the first women Air chief Marshall of Indian Airforce.

  6. Narayan Pratap Singh

    Prestigious INDIAN ARMY was established on 1 april 1895 as British Indian Army.
    On 15 January 1949 1st field Marshal of India Field Marshal K.M. CARIAPPA taking over as first commander in Chief of India army.
    so we celebrate Army day on 15 January.
    Indian Army is one of the most decorated armed forces as it has 21PVC nd 83AC.
    In present time more then 14 lakhs active personnel in it.
    Indian Army run by COAS (a four star rank) which have in under 7 commands.
    the basis structure of INDIAN Army
    in seven command there are 6 operational commands and one functional command.
    Northern Command (Udhampur)
    Southern Command (Pune)
    Eastern Command (Kolkata)
    Western Command (Chandimandir)
    South Western Command (Jaipur)
    Central Command (Lucknow)
    Army Training Command (Shimla).
    In the form of British Indian Army we participated in World War l as well as WWII.
    We shown our supremacy to Pakistan 4 times in a row. in 1947, 1965, 1971, 1999.

  7. INDIAN NAVY a part of the precious Armed Forces of India , Ruling rhe seas since 1600s, Indian Navy have a motto “Sham No Varunah” which means May the Lord of the seas be auspicious unto us. Indian Navy earlier known as The Royal Indian navy consist of many parts and branches with state of the art infrastructure and instruments . Indian Navy has Rank structure starting form Seaman III/II/I till Admiral which is a 4 Star rank and who is the Commander of the Indian Navy. Currently it is occupied by Admiral Karambir Singh .
    Indian Navy comprises of
    Corvettes 22
    Frigates 13
    Destroyers 10
    Aircraft Carrier 01
    And many more including Amphibious Landing ships , Helicopters etc .
    We celebrate Navy Day on 5th of December every year to mark the Anniversary of Operation Blue Trident undertaken in Indo-Pak war of 1971 .
    Currently Indian navy is the 7th largest navy of the world with near around 60000 active working personnel with President of India as its supreme commander .
    The Indian Navy have 3 commands –
    Eastern Command – Vishakapatnam
    Western command – Mumbai
    Southern Command + Kochi
    Indian navy also have it’s own special forces unit named MARCOS one of the nost elite special forces of the world used in Reconnaissance and Covert operations .
    Indian Navy personnel are considered as Diplomats in foreign Water .
    Indian Navy jas many branches including –
    Logistics etc .
    Indian navy also take part in various Naval and Bi/Multilateral Exercise such as
    Zair-Al-Bahr IND-QATAR .
    Indian Navy holds and protects the strategic posts in Indian Ocean and take maritime control over there.
    Major ports of Indian Navy are –
    Kochi etc.
    Currently indian navy recently Incubated Sikkim class Desteoyers Indigenously developed in India in its fleet . And have different Submarines comprises of –
    Akula 3 class – INS Chakra
    Arihant Class – INS Arihant
    Diesel-Electric Type:-
    Sishumar Class
    Sindhugosh Class
    Kalvari Class .
    The Indian Navy currently operates one Aircraft Carrier INS VIKRAMADITYA (Kiev class) and second INS Vikrant is under construction in Coachin proposed on 2022 .

  8. Indian Navy is the world’s 7th powerful navy and only United States, Russia, china, Japan, United Kingdom and France are ahead of India in the list Indian Navy can trace its lineage back to honourable East India Company’s Marine, founded in 1612 to protect British merchant shipping.
    In 1830, colonial navy came to be known as Her majesty’s Indian Navy. It was named as Royal Indian Navy in 1934, which continued even after independence of India. In 1950 renamed as INDIAN NAVY. Its motto is “Shan No Varunah”. Navy Day in India is celebrated on 4 December every year to recognize the achievements and role of the Indian Navy to the country. 4 December was chosen as on that day in 1971, during Operation Trident, the Indian Navy sank four Pakistani vessels including PNS Khaibar, killing hundreds of Pakistani Navy personnel.

  9. The Indian Air Force stands at no. 4 in the world with 1.7 lakh personnel and about 1500 aircrafts.
    IAF is one of the best and successful air forces of the world. Its primary mission is to secure the Indian airspace and to conduct aerial warfare during armed conflict. It was established on 8 oct ,1932 when it was called the royal air force under british raj. In 1950, this prefix was removed. The motto is “nabha sprsam diptam” wich means touch the sky with glory!. It has 5+ 2 commands (western , eastern , central , south western and southern + mainatainence and training command ). Since the time of its formation IAF has engafed in a lot of exercises and given its constructive contribution in wars and operations like WW ll , indo pak war , operation vijay , operation meghdoot , op cactus and many more. What makes it special is the systematic organisation of IAF into wings , squadrons and commands where specialisation of work can be seen. The very strenght and the USP of the organisation is the aircrafts which includes attack, fighters , helicopter , reconnaince , trainer and tankers which have been bought from many parts of the world and some indeginously built like LCA TEJAS buiilt by HAL and many more are yet to come since lots of modernisation is aimed nowadys. So many tales of courage and braveey can be traced in the history and in the present too. Flying officer nirmal jeet singh sekhon PVC is one such brave fighter whose determination to fight the enemy still remains a motivation for many to wing commander abhinandad varthamam , Vir chakra who was captures by pakistan but still fought brave and handled the mental torture bravely. Also , IAF have set an example of resourse management during kargil war 1998 , when they were shrt of equipments still managed to win .
    Thus , IAF has time and again proven its fight to win attitude and the with proper planning as was very much visible in the balakot airstrikes , maintaining the respect , dignity and composure at the same time . The day is not far when IAF becomes no 1 in the world.

  10. INDIAN AIR FORCE, formed on 8th October 1932, is the Indian military organisation which is tasked with the security of the Indian airspace, commanded by the president of India and currently headed by Air Chief Marshal RKS Bhaduria, Air Marshal Subroto Mukharjee was the first chief of the Indian air force, also one of the three 5-star generals in india hails from IAF, Marshal of the air force Arjan Singh.
    IAF is divided into three branches:flying,technical and ground duty branches and is structured into 5 operational and 2 functional commands.
    There are around 1.4L active personnels and more than 1700 aircrafts currently in the service. With each operational commands there are around 9-16 stations , each commanded by an officer of the rank Air Cmdr. A wing is an intermediate between a command and squadron and squadrons are the field units and formation attached to static locations.
    Personnels are employed into three catogories: Officers, Airmens, NCE and civilians.
    IAF currently operates 6 different types of fighter aircrafts with one more soon to arrive. IAF also plays an important role HADR operations and providing supplies and relief to neighboring countries as well.

    1. Names must be carefully mentioned in the armed forces. Air marshal Subroto Mukherjee, OBE is the complete name and rank that you must use. Other aspects are good about the answer. Although, you can talk about the modernisation of the force. Keep writing.

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