Daily class assignment for 08 April 2020

In order to help you achieve your dream of being an officer in the armed forces of the country, I have brought a new initiative. Every day I will be providing you with some assignment in the telegram channel (https://t.me/thessbprep).

As mentioned earlier, we will be publishing the daily assignment over here. You should submit your answers in the comment box below. Submit your answers within 12 hours of the class, otherwise the answers submitted will not be evaluated. I prefer quality over quantity, and thus I am putting this restriction.

Feel free to reach out to me on telegram in case you have any questions.

Today’s Assignment (08-April-20)

Write short note on any one of the following topics:

  1. ASEAN
  2. Doubling Farmers Income
  3. Feminism

Submit your answers by commenting below.

Jai Hind!

2 thoughts on “Daily class assignment for 08 April 2020”

  1. As the human race evolved with time the society began to consider itself as gods and started making divisions, one such division is the male-female gender division which prevails in the society . For ages, women were denied their rights and moreover their opportunities and capabilities. In this male driven society they were always told to follow their male counter part but to break such stereotypes and rules and regulations of this society there evolved a concept call FEMINISM which basically meant to provide equal opportunities to women as men, to have a say in the society and take a stand for themselves. Due to feminism women now contribute more than 40% of the workforce and are now at par with men, although the society is still male-dominating but awareness and knowledge about this have also spread massively, but with every good step there comes some difficulties with it as there are some feminists who believe that feminism means that women is superior to men, but in reality feminism actually means equality between men and women, such thoughts and actions have also caused a lot of hamper to the movement.

    1. Harshit the content is good, but adding more data from the contemporary times will give an added advantage to the answer. Use modern survey reports to add value. Also, break the answer in two paragraphs for improved readability. Keep writing.

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