Daily Defence Capsule 23 March 2020

Which of the following doesn’t flow in the state of Andhra?

  1. Krishna
  2. pennar
  3. Godavari
  4. Kaveri

Major rives of Andhra

  • Image from Andhra Pradesh government. 
  • Kaveri flows in Tamil Nadu
  • Rest all flow in AP

Red-Flag exercise is related to?

  1. India-US
  2. India-Australia
  3. India-Israel
  4. India-UAE

Correct Answer: India-US Air Force


  • 80+ districts put under lockdown
  • Number of active cases more than 400
  • Only essential services operational. 
  • People are still flouting norms. 

Impact on the armed forces

  • Paramilitary forces have halted the movement of troops
  • Indian Air Force plans to work with 50% manpower, and use rotational weekly shifts. 

Quantum computing

  • Different from traditional computing
  • Traditional computers work on bits. Each bit holds either a value of 0, or 1. 
  • Quantum technology works on Qubits, which can simultaneously hold both the values: 0, and 1.
  • Quantum supremacy is the goal of demonstrating a programmable quantum device can solve a problem that classical computers practically cannot 

Rise in cross border smuggling of drugs

  • India is present between the notorious areas of the world. These are called:
    • Golden triangle
    • Golden crescent 
  • This puts India at the centre of the drug industry. 
  • The huge youth population of the country acts as a major drug market.

Fake news

  • IT Act, 2000 provides for provisions against the misuse of technology against the social or administrative framework of the country. 
  • In fact, sedition can be applied under section 124A, IPC
  • Fake news has been spreading amid corona.

Great hedge of India

  • It was a customs line created by the British, in order to charge the customs duty on salt. 
  • Used for collection of taxes on Salt 
  • Also known as Indian Salt Hedge.
  • Wild plants, usually thorny, were planted all across in order to prevent any smuggling of salts. 

Wildberry – Carissa kopilii Found in Assam

  • The Carissa carandas was also among several thorny plants the British had grown 140 years ago for a 1100­ mile barrier, apparently to en­force taxes and stop the smuggling of salt.
  • It is a cousin of the less found Carissa Kopilii.

Olive Ridleys are a species of which of the following?

  1. Turtle
  2. Crocodile
  3. Fish
  4. Dolphin

Correct Answer: Turtle

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