Bibi ka Maqbara is located in which of the following cities?
- Aurangabad
- Delhi
- Lucknow
- Hyderabad
Correct answer: Aurangabad, Maharashtra
- By Aurangzeb
- For his wife Dilras Banu Begam
- Poor mimicry of Taj Mahal
Varuna exercise is related to?
- India-US
- India-Australia
- India-Israel
- India-France
Correct Answer: India-France
- Complete shutdown across the nation for 21 days.
- Tax dates deferred, penalties on delayed payments reduced.
- Earlier an 18% Penalty was envisaged on late payment.
- Same has been reduced to 9%.
- Support package to be announced soon.
- Tokyo Olympics have been postponed.
Public Safety Act
- It will be covered in the Polity class notes.
- Restriction on the article 19 of the individual, article 22.
- Article 19: Certain freedoms guaranteed under the constitution.
- Article 22: Preventive detention.
- Omar Abdullah is out, and it is a progressive step towards the state.
- However, the UT of J&K is not yet normal and more needs to be done in this regard.
Income support to the poor
- Coronavirus has put many people out of work.
- Much of these are daily wage earners.
- There has also been a major loss of jobs
- Unemployment leads to a rise in the criminal activities.
- Thus income support is required to meet this social obligation of the government.
Local governance in India
- No devolution of powers has happened from the states to local governments.
- Identity politics has been on the rise.
- Political parties tend to rule the local elections.
- This leaves no room for local issues but makes party politics the focal point.
- The challenges are three-pronged:
- financial
- taxation, municipal bonds, etc.
- Structural
- elections, mayor, etc.
- Administrative
- expertise, third party partnerships, etc.
- financial
- As announced in the Union budget, Local civil engineering students to get internships with municipalities and chalk out plans for development of the area.
Radioactive material is not useful in which of the following?
- River Water cleanliness
- Medicinal properties
- Archaeological research
- Packaging
Correct Answer: Packaging.
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