The Foreign Contribution Regulations Act(FCRA)

No. 42 of 2010

The Foreign Contribution Regulations Act or FCRA is a law enacted by Parliament to regulate foreign contribution (especially monetary donation) provided by certain individuals or associations to NGOs and others within India.

🧐Why its in the news?
Three NGOs- Rajiv Gandhi Foundation(RGF),
the Rajiv Gandhi Charitable Trust (RGCT) and the Indira Gandhi Memorial Trust(IGMT) , which are directly linked to the Congress and party president Sonia Gandhi is the chairperson of the RGF and the RGCT are taking donation from Chinese Embassy since last couple of years.

🙄What is the need of FCRA?
To check that foreigers are not effecting India’s electoral politics, public servant, judges, journalists, NGOs(Non Government Organization) etc. for wrong purposes.

🤔Who can accept Foreign Contribution?
Organizations working for definite cultural, social, economic, religion program and education.
But, 1st they’ve get permission for Ministry of Home Affairs and
2nd they’ve to maintain a separate account book listing the donation receive from foreigners and get it auditade by a Chartered Accounted to submit it to Home Ministry every year.

❌Who cannot accept Foreign Contribution?

  • Election Candidate
  • MPs and MLAs
  • Newspaper wala: Correspondents, Columnist, editors, printer and publishers of a registered newspaper.
  • Public Servants: Judge, Government servants or employe of any corporation or any other body control or owned by Government.

Reference has been taken from-

  • Wikipedia
  • The Hindu(09/07/20) 

-Sayani Mondal

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