Fly High in The Sky

Finally, the countdown has begun…. the last few days to go for the examination. I believe your pressure must be onto another level to perform best and do whatever it takes to clear this examination and later get recommended and have those stars on your shoulder. So that you can fly high and touch the sky. As the sky has no limit and is huge just like an ocean so should be the case of your preparation, limitless as it demands huge determination and motivation to keep going but with a strategic approach towards it.

It is time when you revise the same thing that you have been studying for so far, nothing new to be picked up because it will only create confusion in the end. No matter how sooner or later you started with your preparation, it will be not equal to someone who picked this up long back or someone who has just started. It’s you who would know by now about your strong points and the weak spots so set the strategy and build your shield accordingly so that no hurdles in between can stop you from being successful.

Well in between all of this what matters, even more, is the confidence within you that has kept you going so far and the motivations that have brought you here today so near to your goal… This austerity should not go in vain, have a little more patience because all of this would make sense only in the end when you finally get recommended.

I am sure that at times you may feel tired even after doing nothing the whole day or feel sluggish and exhausted. It is because you are being hard at yourself mentally by stressing upon things that eventually are leading into retardation of your physical health. Do not do that with yourself. Do a little meditation or take a short break to calm yourself down. Talk to your friends and family around or go for a ride if possible, speak your heart out, and do not keep things within yourself because it will hamper your inner peace and will distract you from concentrating on the goal that you have set for yourself. So let things go for the moment and focus on the larger aspect, all these efforts that you have put in for so long should be worth cherishing.

It is very important and is the demand of this last hour that you keep moving by staying motivated, with positive vibes around, by having good food, taking proper rest, and now by quitting your sleep because when you will be sleeping someone else would be burning the midnight oil who will move even closer to his dreams. Now is the time when you finally shorten your circle, get disconnected from the outside fascinated world, and be in your cacoon and prepare so that tomorrow when you develop into a full-fledged butterfly you outshine bright open your wings, and fly high in the sky.

With Love -Riya Kumari (Riyafication)

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