Indian Ocean Region

Indian ocean is the third largest ocean of the world covering 70,560,000km2 area and almost 20% of the water on the earth’s surface. It lies between 20°S and 80°E

It is bounded by Asia to the north, Africa to the west and Australia to the east. To the south it is bounded by Southern Ocean or Antarctica depending on the definition in use. Along its core, the indian ocean also has some marginal seas I.e. The Arabian sea, The laccadive sea, The Somali sea and Bay of bengal.

Conversely, The chinese explorers in the indian ocean during the 15th century called it “The western ocean“. It also known as Hindu ocean and Indic ocean in various languages.

Also the indian ocean is the warmest ocean in the world. Long term temperature records show a rapid, continues warming in the indian ocean.


  1. It is one of the wormest ocean in the world
  2. It is the third largest ocean in the world
  3. Java trench is the deepest point of the ocean situated near Sumatra island, Inodenesia.
  4. It is the only ocean that has been named after India






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