“She will always be there in command,

And pick up the rifle from the sand,

She will show all her courage,

She will do whatever she must,

For in her put your trust….”

Yes…… She will be there…… She will be there standing straight, head held high with chin up , chest up, in the PARMESHWARAN GROUND. It all starts with just a thought …… A thought to be someone in your own eyes. We all have spent our childhood watching LOC and Border on National holidays. And that’s where most of us got seed sown in our hearts. But did it really started as an Aim ??? Clearly no…… Atleast i just dreamt myself in that uniform. I kept dreaming and dreaming . Yes…. Just DREAMS , wherein a point comes and you realise that these dreams are basically your aim. And there you segregate your dreams and desires with no efforts from aim with direction towards goal, towards purpose, towards our destination.
And there i put my first step forward by getting enrolled in NCC and getting basic Military training from map reading to obstacles training, field craft, battle craft , weapon training, etc. etc. etc. …… As the seed was getting it’s roots deep towards the aim , the embryo shoot when heading towards the ACADEMY gate in CHENNAI. All my infatuation towards that uniform, towards my aim converted into a strong deep love.
The adrenaline rush was at next level when i marched in the PARMESHWARAN GROUND with that sword. Had dinner night in the YODHA MESS. Firing on stimulator from LMG to firing from INSAS in the range. It was a whole new life to live in those two weeks.
Those two weeks deepened the roots of achieving my goal, that was the point where the feeling came, ” Damn, this is it. This is all i want my life to be.” Sitting back in OTA bus and moving out from that prestigious gate was where we 45cadets all over India promised to ourselves deep down that next time we enter this gate will be to get Commissioned.

Everyone needs motivation in life , be it an internal, external or both. I happened to get one of the most powerful of the motivation anyone can get in life. Thereby, making it strong to get recommended and join the academy. Where we all will have our “अंतिम पग” from home to “पहला कदम” towards our aim to reach the sky and pluck those stars from sky to emblish our shoulders. And there the ” JOURNEY OF INFATUATION TO LOVE” for Olive Green will find it’s ultimate destination.
Jai hind !

– Rupal


  1. This is bliss
    And the way the words flowed were awsome
    Getting us to know how an uneasy infactuation led to unconditional love
    Hope you win it
    Wishing you all the very best

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