Life Never Stops

…….Life Never Stops…..

So, here I am! Preparing for my

It all started few years back, when I
passed my intermediate with only one aim and that is to join the forces, as an
officer. I gave few attempts of NDA, but couldn’t clear any. I became restless, I started finding ways, how I can join? How can I join?…

Then I came across Technical entry(TES) and luckily got a chance to give a couple of SSBs within a time span of few weeks.
Much to my surprise it was not what I thought of and definitely not what I prepared for. So I was out on the first day itself. Again I got the same question in my mind, how can I join? This could not be the end. 

 I was so desperate that I applied for the
soldier entry and that too without telling my family, I went to give two tests
after taking permission from my mother and didn’t knew whether my father was
aware about that, you know being a soldier in the army you serve selflessly,
sometimes you do not get time for your family. Two months later I got the
joining letter from one entry and the result of the other one was yet to be
announced and was sure i’ll clear it too. I was very happy, I told my father about this and he agreed, was all raining roses in my life. but, but.. that ….smile was somewhere missing from his face. In the evening I asked my mother and she said that your father want you to join as an officer and we believe, you
can do it. That thing got stuck in my head and I did not reported at the center,
I didn’t go. But that spirit, the urge of joining it got stronger with every passing hour, with every passing day. From that day till today, I have cleared few exams but never joined. I know, i know you are going to say I am mad, why didn’t I joined, but be it mad or anything, I am sure of joining the forces
and that too as an officer.

As nothing seems this important, nothing feels like the way I feel for forces. The way it gives me sleepless nights, the way it makes me happy and the way it gives me chills, goosebumps. That feeling which is beyond words and no word can do justice to it, no word can express it.

So, here I am!

Preparing for my dream, of joining
the forces as an officer and continuing the legacy of my family….


Signing off….

-Abhay Pratap


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