COVID-19 (Novel corona virus) Covid an virus which belongs to orthocoronovirinae kindom which has classified further into 2 types coronavirinae and letovirinae in which coronavirinae is further classified into 4 types namely Alphacorona virus Betacorona virus Gammacorona virus Deltacorona virus Here alpha and beta human pathogens. History Once upon a time in 1930 corona was […]


PRADHAN MANTRI FASAL BIMA YOJANA                                    (PMFBY) India is an agrarian economy where the farmers become the soul contributor to the economy. Thus to boost this sector of our country the government came up with a new initiative. The


ORGANIZATION OF THE PETROLEUM EXPORTING COUNTRIES (OPEC) Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries(OPEC) is an intergovernmental organization found in a period of transition in terms of international economic and political landscape, with 5 founding member nations in 1960.The organisation came into existence with Baghdad Conference in September 1960.The founding members were Saudi Arabia,Iran, Iraq, Venezuela,

Inheritance Rights in India

Inheritance Rights in India   Supreme Court Judgement on Inheritance rights:   India’s Supreme Court on August 2020 ruled that daughters have equal rights similar to that as sons in parent’s property irrespective of when she was born and if her father was alive or not, at the time of Hindu succession Amendment Acts of

10th Schedule

Anti Defection Law :- The Tenth Schedule was inserted within the constitution in 1985 by the 52nd Amendment Act, by which Lagislators of both house can be disqualified. The final decision on disqualification of a member will be done by The Chairman or the Speaker of the House.   Disqualification:- ·       If he Voluntarily gives

River Water Disputes in India

 ‘If the earth is a mother then rivers are her veins.’                                                                                        

Preventive Detention

  PREVENTIVE DETENTION  What is preventive detention? Preventive detention means to detain a person so that to prevent that person from commenting on any possible crime or in other words it is an action taken by administration on the grounds of the suspicion that some wrong actions may be done by the person concerned which will


WHAT IS CONTEMPT…?? Contempt is something that is disregarded/disrespected where it should be considered…. Now talking about WHAT IS CONTEMPT OF COURT…?? Contempt of court is define under the section 2 of Contempt of court Act 1971. Contempt of court can be easily defined as disobeying the law of court. It can be said refusing


CONFUCIUS INSTITUTES Confucius Institutes are basically Educational partnership between colleges and universities in China and those of the other countries. Confucius Institute was founded in the year 2004 and the first CI was established in Seol (South Korea).  The stated aim of these institutes is to promote Chinese language and culture, support local Chinese teachings


IMPACT OF LOCKDOWN ON INDUSTRIES COVID 19 pandemic has kept the world in standstill. Concern around extension of lockdown is also raising..Lockdown during the pandemic has adversely affected the INDUSTRIES as well. Industries contribute almost 20% GDP. 50% of this is contributed by auto industry. Prior to the lockdown too, sales as well as production

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