IN 1949 China transformed into a single party Community which was called the PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA while in 1950 The Dominion of INDIA formally completed its task for Independence from BRITISH RULE to become REPUBLIC OF INDIA. Both wanted to prove that they could participate in the world without being controlled.
In 1953, INDIAN P.M. JAWAHARLAL NEHRU and CHINA’S 1st PREMIER ZHOU ENLAI met to define the relationship between two nations, The Agreement was presented in 1954 it was called ” THE AGREEMENT ON TRADE AND INTERCOURSE ” between the Tibet region of CHINA and INDIA. This indicated the world that that their relations were based on ideologies rather than economic, cultural or military.
The treaty was signed between Indian Ambassador N. RAGHAVAN and Chinese Ambassador CHANG HAN FU. The leaders outlined their policy of PANCHSHEEL and defined it through 5 ideological principles
- Mutual respect for each other,s territorial integrity and sovereignty.
- Mutual Non Aggression.
- Mutual Non Interference.
- Equality and Cooperation.
- Peaceful co existence.
Basically each nation meant not to mess with integral affairs of the other and committed themselves to pursuing peaceful solutions to any conflict that may arise between them.
It inspired the BANDUNG CONFERENCE that established the system of cooperation among developing Nations, as well as the Non Aligned Movement, which asserted the rights of developing nations to remain Neutral and autonomous during the COLD WAR.
BUT , in my opinion The treaty was brutally breached when the INDO SINO WAR OF 1962 took place, leading to change in the relationship of India and China overall..
p.s please share your view points and suggestions.
References :- wikipedia (facts only)
Most awaited topic. Thank you for covering this.
Your welcome. Hope you liked it.