Registrations now open for Vijay Diwas Celebrations

UPDATE: Registrations are now closed. Thank you for participating in such huge numbers.

Welcome to Vijay Diwas celebrations with us. This page will allow you to participate in various activities that have been announced on the telegram channel. Following are the activities:

Theme of the day: 21 years of Pride, Honour And Valour.

We have broadly classified the competitions to four categories. Any type of display of your talent is most welcome!!

You can all submit your entries using the form given below. All entries are to be submitted before 1500 hrs of 25th of July.

Files will be required to be posted on our Facebook page. In case of difficulties, reach out to us on our telegram channel.

Since most of the communication will come through email, keep an eye on your email address.

There is an entry fee of ₹50/- per participant. Payment has to be completed before filling up the form given below. Payment has to be made on the following QR Code:


Registrations are open now!!

Following are the events to be conducted:

CATEGORY 1 🔥🔥ART ATTACK🔥🔥 Show us what you got!!

  • All type of arts and crafts are welcome.
  • Clay mouldings, paper origami, sculpture making etc.
  • Sketches, paintings , drawings, posters, photography too.
  • Major rule – handwritten name at the bottom of the painting or drawing. For clay sculpting the name to be inserted in the picture. On photographs name should be handwritten too.

Judgment criteria

  • creativity
  • originality
  • message
  • presentation

Person to contact – Abheet Chawla and Shruti Jadar

CATEGORY 2 🔥🔥 WORD WIZARD🔥🔥 Pen down your thoughts and send them to us!!

Rules and regulations

  • Any type of writings which revolve around the theme are welcome
  • Vulgarity in word/topic selection will lead to disqualification
  • Word limit – 300 words
  • Should be submitted in typed form (only English and Hindi)
  • Sir’s decision is final in any aspect

Judgment criteria

  • originality
  • creativity
  • message
  • language

Person to contact – Shikhar and Sindhoora

CATEGORY 3 🔥🔥KALA🔥🔥 Put your “Mansa”, Use you “Vacha”, Express your “Karma”

All the talents are highly welcome.

General rules and regulations
• Time limit – 3 minutes
• Should be related to the theme
• Any vulgarity in song selection, constume, topic will lead to disqualification.
• Sir’s decision on any aspect is final

Criteria for judgment

  • originality
  • creativity
  • choreography
  • expression
  • presentation
    (For vocal activities)
  • content
  • grammar
  • voice modulation

This category has been divided into 3:

1.Karma kala
(Dance, martial arts, yoga,etc)

  1. Mansa Kala
    (Speech, story telling, poetry recitation, shayari, etc)
  • should be in English/ Hindi only

3.Vacha Kala
( Singing, playing instruments, rapping, etc)

Person to contact – Aakash Singh Rathore and Amodini Singh

CATEGORY 4 🔥🔥YUDH ABHYAAS🔥🔥 Testing your knowledge and enthusiasm!!

Show us what you know about our defence forces!

The quiz will have around 30 questions related to Vijay Diwas. Further details regarding this will be shared soon.

There is no entry fee for this event

Person to contact – Narayan Pratap Singh and Yatender

Gear up and get ready for the grand event!!


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