Situation Reaction Tests (SRTs) ~ Practice Set-5

  1. You are attending the funeral your close relative’s house and your friend calls you to arrange oxygen cylinder for his mother. You will…………
  2. You filed a complaint regarding cyber crime but no action is taken since 1 month. You will…….
  3. While putting off fire in his neighborhood, he is implicated by his neighbor to have set the fire. He will……..
  4. He has strained relations with his neighbour over an issue. He will……..
  5. He has plenty of time during his summer vacations. He will……..
  6. He comes across a stranger who informs him of some people in the village planning to destroy
  7. some public property. He will……..
  8. He is asked by his boss to favour him with a loan of Rs.5000 from the institutional funds which he thinks is not legitimate. He will………
  9. He is the captain of his team. The final match is scheduled to take place the following day he receives a telegram informing him of his father having met with an accident and his condition is very serious. He will………..
  10. While going for an interview he gets his clothes stained in mud. He does not have sufficient time to change his clothes. He will……….
  11. While going to an examination, he meets an accident. Luckily, he gets some minor scratches but the other passenger is seriously injured. He will……..
  12. He wins a lottery of Rs.1000000. he will……
  13. While he is at home on leave, he observes that his brothers is engaged in certain corrupt practices. He will ………
  14. He is assigned a job by his boss whom he does not like. He will………
  15. He is asked to appear for a departmental promotion examination for which he is not prepared. He will……….
  16. He wants to brings about changes in his institution to renovate and modernize it. His subordinates are not interested to cooperate with him. He will………
  17. He is given a urgent task by his boss but he receives his friends call to reach his house as soon as possible. He will……..
  18. He is rebuked and scolded for the unbecoming conduct of his subordinates. He will………
  19. He finds his roommate quite addicted to taking drugs and alcoholic drinks. He will………
  20. He intends to take up a job which his parents don’t allow him to take up. He will…….
  21. While proceeding on leave from his duty station he finds two jawans of his unit boarding the same train without appropriate leave. He would………
  22. He is not permitted to take an examination due to want of certain requisite certificate which his college has refused to give him. He will…….
  23. While travelling from one place to another he observes that two suspicious looking persons alight the bus, leaving behind a box under their berth. He will……….
  24. He is asked by his boss to prepare a report which he feels is false and lacks factual information. He will……….
  25. He notices that some of his staff members in the office are conspiring to let him down in the eyes of his boss. He will………
  26. While walking with his wife in the garden, he came across a big poisonous snake. He will……….
  27. He, as the head of an office, observes that one of his subordinates are in the habit of coming late to office everyday. He will……..
  28. He went to Shimla on a trip and found all his items stolen in the train. He would……….
  29. While travelling from one place to another by a local train he finds an unattended strange small box under his berth. He will………
  30. He finds himself in a deserted area with the motorcycle tyre punctured. He will……….
  31. He has got vacations after his examinations. His friend is inviting him to his village but his mother is unwell. He will……….
  32. He is waiting at the railway station, somebody shouts thief-thief. He will……….
  33.  His parents have gone to their relatives leaving him behind with his younger brother. After mid-night his younger brother develops very high fever and there is no medicine in the house. It is raining very heavily. He will……..
  34.  Two groups are quarrelling over a religious problem. And he belongs to the minority group. He will……..
  35. Fire broke in the village due to short circuiting of electricity at night. He is the only electrician in the village but he is slightly unwell. He will……..
  36.  While going in boat in the river Ganga he falls down in the river having very fast current. He does not know swimming. He will……..
  37. While going for his exam, he finds that a person has just fallen down from the moving bus. He will………
  38. There is flood in the river and many houses of his village have fallen down. His house is about to collapse, it is late at night. He will………
  39. While going to college, he finds that a cyclist has been knocked down by a fast moving car and could not note down the number of the car. He will………
  40. In the marriage of his friend, his friend and his father got annoyed due to non-receipt of dowry. They both went away even after lot of request by all including the bride and her father. Bride has become unconscious. He will……
  41. He finds ten people quarrelling over a purse fallen from the bus. The police have approached and they have run away and he is found with purse by the police. Police takes him to police station. He will……..
  42. His friend is extremely poor but good in studies. He can’t pay his fee. His own financial condition is also not very sound but he wants to help his friend. He will……….
  43. He lends some money to his friend. Now he needs this money badly but the friend is not in a position to pay. He will………
  44. He is the leader of the hiking party but due to some reasons two persons of the party wants to return from the middle of the hike. He will……….
  45.  He is manager of a factory, facing serious labour problem. His sister’s marriage is after one week and he cannot leave the station. He will……….
  46. The dacoits have sent warning to his village headman to deposit Rs.2 lac or face consequences. Villagers cannot arrange even half of it. He happens to be village headman’s son. He will………..
  47.  While travelling in bus at night, miscreants have stopped the bus. They started looting it and two persons have started molesting two young girls. They are fully armed. He will……..
  48.  His marriage has been fixed but just one week prior to the marriage the girl meets with an accident and losses one eye. He will……….
  49. He is returning from the movie. On the way he is stopped by the police and during the search of the scooter; it is found that there were two packets of charas in the scooter. He will………
  50. He is travelling in emergency while his city is in lockdown. Some policemen restrict his movement as he is not carrying lockdown e-pass. He will…….
  51.  In a party thrown by him on his promotion his boss gets annoyed due to the sarcastic remarks of his elder brother and he leaves the party without taking meals. He will…….
  52. He has to deposit his exam fee after two days but his friend demanded money due to urgency today only. He is very poor. He will……..
  53. His parents are quite old and he is their eldest son. The economic condition of parents is quite weak but they want him to continue his studies. He will………
  54. He went to Shimla on a pleasure trip. There he finds that all his items have been stolen. He will…….
  55. You went to library for a very urgent book and found that all its copies were already issued to others. You will……
  56. It was night and the train was running at a high speed when a huge built man with pistol entered his compartment and tried to take his suitcase. He……..
  57. You appeared in a competitive exam and you noticed that the minister’s son (who was in your examination hall) got a copy of solution from outside. You will…..
  58. There was a person who sold smuggled goods. He too, like many others, had purchased a wristwatch from him. But it didn’t work. He will……
  59. He was rather young when his father was killed in the war and later mother kidnapped by the rival group. He had no other relative. He will…….
  60. During a trekking trip, he was left alone in the jungle. He will……

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