Situation Reaction Tests (SRTs) ~ Practice Set-6

  1. He was appointed Capt of basketball team but other players revolted against his appointment. He……
  2. An epidemic has spread in the village due to poor hygiene condition. He……
  3. He hears his enemy in the neighborhood screaming “thief-thief” at midnight. He……
  4. He was asked to report to his boss urgently, while he was going up in a lift the electric power supply failed. He……
  5. His cousin wants to borrow some NCERT books, his poor friend is also in need of the same. He will……..
  6. He was appointed to supervise evening games in the college but he was staying far away. He……
  7. He realize that his seniors were giving step-motherly treatment to him. He……
  8. You are a handsome, smart and brave young ‘army officer’. You fall in love with the girl of another community. But your parents oppose the proposal. You will……..
  9. You are in second year of comp. engineering. But now you find it hard to complete your degree. You…….
  10. While returning to home after watching cinema at mid night, he found two people quarreling on the way. He……
  11. While on the picnic one of the students suddenly fainted, He……
  12. In the cinema hall, where he is seeing the picture in last row, some bad elements are teasing a girl in the front row. He……
  13. His final degree exams are starting tomorrow and he came to know that his aunt got heart attack. He……
  14. He is going in a taxi to catch a train. The taxi moving ahead of him throw out a person and runs away. He……
  15. His marriage has been fixed but just one weak prior to the marriage the girl’s father meets with an accident and loses his leg. He……
  16. While watching a movie, the picture house catches fire. He……
  17. He and his friends were coming from the school on bicycles, his friend fell from the bicycle and his hand got fractured. He…….
  18. He was sitting on the back seat of the bus and listening to music. His friends were sitting in the front of the bus. He saw one person started arguing with his friends. He…
  19. He was parking his new bike when a woman with whom his family had a fight started shouting at him and asked him not to park at that place. He…….
  20. He has gone to a religious place and he found beggars harassing a young foreigner. He……
  21. His class teacher used to comment on his classmates and specially girls. He……
  22. While he was having tea in a restaurant, some boys came up and started beating him. He……
  23. He was entering his lane when he found some smoke coming out from a house and a child was playing inside and even the windows were closed. He…….
  24. A function is to be organized in his school. On the last day the organizer has fallen sick. The principal asks him to take the charge as the head boy. He…….
  25. Because of the financial difficulties, his parents find it difficult to provide him further education. He will……
  26. Your aunt has extra marital affairs with someone. You will …..
  27. You were going to attend interview for IAS and found one person deeply injured and needs to be taken to hospital immediately and there was no one else nearby. You will …….
  28. You were trapped in a jungle with your girlfriend and thieves came and started teasing your girlfriend. You will …..
  29. You as the policeman comes to know that your brother is a smuggler. You will …….
  30. You are representing national cricket team and during a match some unknown people came and offered you money for under-performing. You will …..
  31. You were going to picnic and found the car tyre was punctured. You will ……
  32. You were travelling in a jungle and saw one person attacked by five burglars. You will ….
  33. You were studying for final semester exams and your brother was disturbing you. You will….
  34. You were travelling in a train and found unusual activity by co passenger. You will…..
  35. He and his friends are travelling from a speedy train when his friend looks out of window and gets hit by a pole. He……
  36. He and his father were going on a scooter when they met with an accident. Both of them get hurt but his father is severely injured and on calling for help no turns up. He….
  37. Due to cyclone his family lost all their possession and needed a fresh start. As the eldest son he…..
  38. He was in charge of wireless board in a sailing ship which lost its communication with the coast. He…..
  39. During a trekking trip, he was left alone in the jungle. He……
  40. In free period you wanted to study but your friends were continuously disturbing you. You…..
  41. Returning late at home you saw two robbers climbing the water pipe of your neighbour. You…..
  42. There was a passenger in the bus whose hand was fractured and had difficulty carrying the luggage. You….
  43. You have to prepare an annual report but your colleagues are not cooperating with you. You will…
  44. While returning from college he was attacked by goons who even pointed a knife at him asking for his bag. He…..
  45. He was short of manpower on the field area and one of his soldiers also asked for leave at the same time. He…..
  46. Indian Armed Forces is his dream. To achieve this he…
  47. After reaching home he found out that someone has picked his pocket. He…
  48. He plans to do part time job along with his studies but no one is agreeing at home. He now….
  49. You have to craft a wall hanging for the kids but you have no knowledge about art and craft. You..…
  50. He felt unsatisfied with the exam results and hence he….
  51. He has joined a new firm. It’s not even been 1 month to his joining and he is already having second thoughts…
  52. The weather is beautiful and he wants to hangout but the college timing are creating a hurdle in his plan. He….
  53. Whenever he has to work under pressure, he…
  54. You are travelling in a train and unfortunately it met with an accident. You….
  55. He came to the platform to eat something and when he returned the train had already left. He…..
  56. On reaching the examination hall, 5 minutes after the commencement of examination, he remembered that he has not brought his admit card. He…..
  57. That was dark, stormy night. It started to rain heavily while there was no public transport and your phone also got shut down. You…
  58. His class teacher met with a serious accident on the school staircase while he was climbing the stairs at the same time. He immediately…
  59. His marriage was scheduled for February but he got a great offer to go abroad one day before his marriage. He….…
  60. He noticed his sister getting addicted to mobile phone. He will….

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