Situation Reaction Tests (SRTs) ~ Practice Set-7

  1. While going to the market you see 2 people abusing each other. You will……
  2. You are not able to take out time for self study but you have to teach and guide your siblings also. You will…….
  3. He wanted to go for adventure sports like rafting etc but his mother was worried about her only son. He will……
  4. One day before the award function, he is informed that the award will be given to another student instead of him. He will……..
  5. You are asked to pay a double amount of fees in your institution without any clear cause. You will…….
  6. On her way to the office she is harassed by some goons on a lonely road. She will……
  7. She wants to file an FIR, but the authorities refuse to take her case. She will…..
  8. In the theater you notice some people making fun of a person who has visited a theater for the first time. You will……
  9. He is in charge of the college basketball team. A day before the final match, his father’s health worsens. He will……..
  10. You find partiality in the skating championship results. As the chief guest you will…….
  11. The boat developed a leak, when his friend and his family members were in the middle of the river. They did not know how to swim. He will…….
  12. His parents could not afford to send him to college but he is keen to continue studies. He will…….
  13. His father is forcing him to continue his studies with science and math, but his interest is in literature. He will………
  14. Neighbors have given the key of their house to him. They will be returning next day. Neighbour’s home catches fire. He will…………
  15. While traveling in the train, he lost the suitcase borrowed from his friend with all belongings. He will………
  16. In his neighbour’s house people are sleeping upstairs and suddenly he finds the house on fire. He will………..
  17. The sea was very rough and it was night time. As the sea duty officer, he was taking a round, when he stumbled and fell overboard. He will……..
  18. There is famine in his city and people are dying of hunger. He……….
  19. While waiting for the bus on the road, he finds a man falling from a moving bus. He will………..
  20. His classmates wanted to go on strike. He will……..
  21. One evening he notices his friend moving with the girlfriend of another friend. He will………
  22. He does not drink. His friends insist that he drink, at his marriage party. He will………
  23. He was on his usual evening walk when he saw a man being thrown out of a speeding taxi. He…….
  24. He is going on a scooter and he is not carrying a license, the policeman demands to see his license. He will…….
  25. He is in a great hurry to reach home but finds an old man who has fainted on the way. He will……..
  26. Just two days before the semi-final of the bridge tournament his partner was called by his parents at an outstation for some urgent work. He will……..
  27. He was going on his cycle to visit his sister in a neighboring village. His cycle broke down on the way and it started raining. He will……..
  28. He is asked by his boss to favor him with a loan of 5000 from the institutional funds which he thinks is not legitimate. He will……..
  29. He comes across a stranger who informs him of some people in the village planning to destroy some public property. He will…….
  30. He has plenty of time during his summer vacations. He will……..
  31. When the bus overturned during his journey many people got injured seriously, while he escaped with minor scratches. He will……
  32. His fellow-passenger shook him out of his sleep and asked him for some money because his pocket had been picked and his ticket also was gone. The ticket collector had come in their compartment. He will………
  33. While on their way back from the picnic party in the evening, hardly half of them had crossed the river, when the rope bridge broke. He will…….
  34. His father, an army officer was returning victorious from the war and he had gone to receive him at the railway station. As he was waiting for the train to arrive he heard a loud explosion. It was the ammunition wagon behind him which had caught fire. He will……
  35. They were climbing a small rock and were about to reach the top when they saw the sand beneath their feet sliding. There was nothing around them to hold on to. He will…….
  36. While on annual leave, he finds that his agricultural land has been occupied by the neighbor. When negotiating they threatened to kill him. They are notorious people of the village. He will……
  37. He was called for an interview for a job. He badly needed it and on the very day his examination was to start. He will…….
  38. He is a notorious student in the college. Due to some misunderstanding, the principal decides to rusticate him for three years. He will…….
  39. When all the boys of his class wanted to play tournament from the class, he refused to cooperate with them and they started abusing him. He will…….
  40. He has a quarrel with his uncle. When his father was not at home his uncle decides to leave the house. He will……..
  41. He notices some students creating chaos in an online class. He will………
  42. He receives information about some people raising funds in name of cancer patients and misusing the money. He will……..
  43. He is having high fever and he was told to walk a long distance by his NCC commander. He will……
  44. He wants to organize a tea party for one of his lecturers who was retiring, but his friends want to organize a dinner for him. He will……
  45. His sister has passed his graduation, his father want her to get married and mother want her to study further. He will…..
  46. .He is alone in the house and it is mid of night. He is awakened from sleep by persistent knocking at the main door at his house. He will……..
  47. While traveling in train, he found a briefcase, which does not belong to him, among the items of his luggage. He will…….
  48. His younger brother is a mechanical engineer from a regional college. He has been searching a job for the last three years but has not succeeded. He will……
  49. A company invites him for a job interview. But on reaching there he learn that a person is already working against the vacancy for which he is called for interview. He will……
  50. His neighbor called upon him one winter night for help in the absence of his wife as his daughter was very ill. He will…….
  51. When he passed his intermediate he was keen to go for engineering but his father wanted him to join armed forces. He will……..
  52. All of sudden the date of examination was preponed by a month. He had not prepared for it and he was required to appear in the examination after a week. He will…..
  53. He went on a tour with his friends for a coastal area, where suddenly a storm came and the situation became grave. He will…….
  54. They were at the railway station where he asked someone about the time politely. The later abused him. He will……..
  55. He receives an immediate call for his SSB interview when his parents were away. He had not money didn’t have money to go. He will….…
  56. They had gone on an All-Indian University Tour and he found that their secretary was mishandling the funds. He will……..
  57. You went to library for a very urgent book and found that all its copies were already issued to others. You will……
  58. In the mid of his song performance , the guitarist went off tune. He will….
  59. You want to create an NGO to help the covid orphans but you are short of volunteers. You will……
  60. On first day of college you spoil your image in front of your professor. You will…….
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