Formation of soil depends upon :
- Climate
- Relief
- Nature
- Parent Rock
- Time
- Temperature
- Action of running wind, water and glacier
- Decomposers
Classified on the basis of :
- Colour
- Thickness
- Age
- Chemical and Physical properties

Types :
1.Arid /Desert/Sandy soil
Found in Areas – Western Rajasthan & parts of Gujarat.
Minerals found – Salt
Crops grown – Jawar, Bajra & groundnut.
Properties – Sandy in nature,saline in character.
Soil lacks humus & moisture.
Kankar restrict infiltration of water.
2.Mountain/ Forest soil
Found in areas – Lower parts of valleys & mountain slopes.
Minerals found – Limestone, Dolomite glass.
Crops grown – Tea & Coffee.
Properties – Acidic, low humus content, silty in valley slides, coares in upper slopes.
3.Alluvial soil
Found in areas – Eastern coastal planes in the dealta of Mahanadi, Krishna, Godavari, Kaveri. Extends to Rajasthan & Gujrat.
Mainly found in northern plains.
Minerals found – Potash, Phosphoric, acid & lime.
Crops grown – Sugarcane, paddy, wheat, cereal & pulses.
Properties –
1. Proportionate share of sand,silt & clay.
2. Classified as Khadar & Bangar.
4.Black soil/ Regur soil
Found in areas – Deccan plateau of Maharashtra, Saurashtra, Malwa, Madhya Pradesh & Chattisgarh.
Minerals found – Calcium carbonate, Magnesium, Potash, Lime.
Crops grown – Cotton & groundnut.
Properties –
1. Made up of lava & clay material.
2. Hold moisture
3. Black colour
4. Sticky when wet
5. Red & yellow soil
Found in areas – Eastern & Southern part of Deccan plateau & Odisha, Chattisgarh, southern parts of middle Ganga plains.
Minerals Found – Iron & Pottasium.
Crops grown – Cotton, groundnut, maize & sorghum.
Properties – Reddish colour due to diffusion of iron in crystalline & metamorphic rocks. Yellow when it occurs in a hydratic form.
6. Laterite soil
Found in areas – Karnataka, Kerela, Tamil Nadu, Madhya Pradesh, hilly areas of Odisha & Assam.
Minerals found – Iron, Bauxite, aluminium oxide.
Crops grown – Tea , coffee, cashew nut & spices.
Properties – Areas of intense leaching of high temperature & heavy rainfall, low humus content, requires fertilizers & manure for cultivation.
– Anjali Singh
Wow , That is some really good job . Simple and informative . Keep sharing .
Thankz. Good Job.