String of Pearls vs Necklace of Diamond Policy

String of Pearls vs Necklace of Diamond Policy 

◆Tensions have been at the peak between India and China where China’s expansionist foreign policy is a threat to India and recent incidents in Ladakh region is an example of that. 

◆China is not only showing aggressive behaviour against India in the border areas. But also encircling India through “String of Pearl’s” policy by maintaining and developing its strategic bases in countries around India, such as Pakistan, Srilanka, Bangladesh, Maldives, Myanmar among others which will help in confining India to its own land and limiting its influence on the neighbouring countries. 

◆This also provides China with easy access and control over the vast Indian ocean.

◆India has been constructing a “Necklace of Diamonds” to counter the “String of Pearls” created by China.

Why String of Pearl Policy is a threat to India?

◆Like China, India is heavily dependent on foreign oil producers for its energy needs. About 89% of India’s oil arrives by ship, and the burning of oil provides for approximately 33% of India’s energy needs. 

◆The protection of the major sea lanes of communication is therefore recognised as an economic imperative.

Necklace of Diamonds Policy

●To counter China’s String of Pearls Policy India is also developing Naval bases around China. This is called “Necklace of Diamonds” Strategy.

●It comprises Changi Naval Base in Singapore, Chabahar Port in Iran, the Assumption Islands in Seychelles, and Duqm Port in Oman.

Changi Naval Base, Singapore  

●Government of India has signed a significant agreement between India and Singapore which provided Indian Navy ‘direct’ access to this naval base. This is crucial as Indian navy ships can now not only refuel but even rearm while sailing through the South China Sea.

Sabang Port, Indonesia 

●India got the military access to a strategic port like Sabang in 2018, located right at the entrance of one of world’s most famous choke point, Malacca Strait. 

●This is one of the most significant agreements, as India now holds the strategic position in the Indian ocean through which a large chunk of trade and crude oil passes on to China. Indian Naval ship INS Sumitra had visited Sabang Port recently.

Duqm Port, Oman  

●India leveraging its rising status in the Indian Ocean gained strategic military access to this port in 2018, located on the south-eastern seaboard of Oman which protects Indian interests in the western theatre of the Indian Ocean, especially for facilitating India’s crude imports from the Persian Gulf. 

●Moreover, it is now an Indian facility located right between the two important Chinese pearls (bases) Djibouti in Africa and Gwadar in Pakistan.

Assumption Island, Seychelles

●Overcoming the initial resistance, India is now developing this naval base in Seychelles, first agreed in 2015. 

●Both the countries have continued to work on the project which gives the military access to India. This particularly signifies India’s increasing strategic presence not only in the Indian ocean but also in the African continent where China is desperately trying to penetrate through the maritime silk route.

Chabahar Port, Iran

●Prime Minister Narendra Modi signed the contract for development of this port in 2016. This port provides India access to Afghanistan and a precious trade route to Central Asia. 

●In fact, India is reportedly about to begin operations at the Iranian port soon. This will give an unprecedented boost to India’s plan to increase its co-operation and contacts with Asian and Central Asian countries.

◆In addition to this, India is creating strong naval ties with Vietnam, Japan, France, Australia and the United States.

Sources :

  • Wikipedia
  • Indian defence news


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