The Art of Being Positive

If you consistently strive to give your best effort, you will overcome your sudden problems and find yourself composed for greater challenges. Positive thinking isn’t a concept that everyone believes in and follows. While thinking about something that makes us happy, our brain releases endorphins, which gives a generalised feeling of well-being. Thus, we develop a positive attitude.

Optimists try to learn from every problem or difficulty.  When things go wrong, they enjoy the challenges to produce the best results and then set about finding the ray of positivity in the situation. In my opinion, we tend to affect ourselves and are affected by the people we meet, in one way or another. This happens on a subconscious level, through words, thoughts, and feelings, and body language. Having a positive outlook reduces stress and anxiety. Less stress and less anxiety means healthy immunity and improved physical health. With this mental outlook, you feel more motivated and can more easily inspire other people to improve themselves and their life.

To turn the mind towards the positive, some inner work is essential, since changes do not come overnight. Your posture defines how you feel about yourself. Visualize only favourable and beneficial situations. A wide smile  helps to think positively. Think positively irrespective of current circumstances, expect only favourable results and outcomes, and the situation will change accordingly. If you persevere, you will transform your thoughts. Good things take time, but eventually, you will notice a transformation in yourself.

If you feel good about yourself, you can easily donate that inner contentment into the world. Make it a habit to do little self-care things that make you feel satisfied. Whether this means a cup of your favourite ice cream or your favourite music piece, treat yourself with compassion, just like you would treat your friend. Start acknowledging the things & people you admire and compliment them to create an instant boost in your mood. This will make you a better person and will create a positive atmosphere around you thus leading to internal satisfaction and happiness.

“Great things happen to those who don’t stop believing, trying, learning, and being grateful.”

Roy T. Bennett


–  Ruchika

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