The origin of the most common heard phrase “United we stand, divided we fall” traces back to the Greek storyteller Aesop, he was famous for the tales that have been handed from generation to generation in his name, This quote was seen in “The Four Oxen and the Lion” and in the “ The Bundle of Sticks”, this quote represents the importance of unity and collaboration and how it inspires us to work as a team rather than alone, its core concepts lies in the idea that success is wholesome only when individuals work together as a team indeed solitary is essential because it helps us to work on ourselves and increases our capacity and our ability to create a sheer framework of ourselves but there exists circumstances where rather than showing our talent to the world has an individual we can achieve great success working as a team
Humankind had always faced adversity with a sheer determination and a motivating attitude, however as time passed we tend to forget the fact that its unity that creates a framework for any success, in the case of a nation, as Patrick Henry quoted in his speech “ United we stand, divided we fall, Let us not split into factions which must destroy the union upon which our sheer existence hangs”. Even during these times when people are facing a pandemic which turns to be threatening to the human race, we tend to divide amongst themselves by caste, colour, creed and religion, If people decide to divide ourselves over petty issues then we are ultimately causing us more harm than good, unity plays a vital role in every aspect of our life and in my perspective it is high time that adults should think out of the box and ignore the superstitions and discrimination because only by thinking rationally and staying united can we overcome these hard times. To live a peaceful and prosperous life we should be able to turn a blind eye to the small differences we have as a human and work as a team. The importance of a team can be seen in almost every field even in military, cadets are coupled with their buddy pair implying the moral that a group of individuals is able to make more progress than a solitary individual, the importance of unity can be traced back to the ancient times, that’s the main reason man who used to hunt alone later created towns and cities, solidarity is a trait of humanity but if we have a mindset of achieving something greater than we should have the ability to form a team and working because no single individuals can accomplish, what is to be possible by a team of people, unity also has the ability to bring out some traits that are hidden inside an individual such as love and care for fellow individuals are brought out only when people are working together
To sum up that has been stated so far, unity plays a vital role in all achievement of human kind, our potential as a human can be brought out only if we work as a team, if we look past over our history, we can see that unity had played a significant role in overcoming all the evil practices that had prevailed in our society, India which is known for its diversity was able to maintain its culture and harmony because of our integration.


  • Vedantu
  • Wikipedia
  • A Plus topper
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