United we stand Divided we fall – Lecturette SSB

This article will help you prepare the topic “United we stand, Divided we fall” for SSB. You can find other important Lecturette topics for SSB here: Important Lecturette topics for SSB


‘United we stand and divided we fall’ is a famous proverb which signifies that if we are united and stay together, then no one can defeat us. But if we constantly fight and have conflicts or misunderstandings, we may attract outsiders to take advantage of ourselves which may ultimately result into our failure. This proverb clearly indicates that unity is the source of strength and the ones who are united can tackle any problem that comes in their way and no one else can defeat them . We can also look that in our defence forces the only thing that has a major emphasis is the camaraderie and the brotherhood among men .


Unity means to stay together . Unity has an important significance in each and every aspect of people’s lives.

In the sports ground, be it cricket, football, baseball, basket ball or any kind of sport, a united team and an appropriate strategy results into the success of the team; but if there is a conflict or unhealthy competition amongst the team members or there is unnecessary misunderstandings amongst them, they may invite the opponents to take advantage of their shortcomings and win the game.

Likewise, if the members of a family stay together and support each other in every phase of life, no outsider can harm the family.

In this fast moving world what can save an individual is his unity with others , Man is a social animal , we are born in a society & are a part of it . From birth till death , we are never alone .

Famous Story

There is a famous story which is the base of the proverb ‘united we stand, divided we fall’. There was an old man who lived in a village with his three sons. The sons always fought with each other and would not pay any heed to their father. The man fell sick and assumed that he would die soon; he was worried that when he dies his sons will fight and this will lead to other people taking advantage of that divide . He called all his sons and asked them to break a bundle of stick, one by one. None of them could do it. He then untied the bundle and gave each stick to each one of them asking to break, which they could easily do . He then gave lessons to his sons that they should stay like the bundle of the stick always so that no one can break them; but if they keep on fighting and stay separated , they will be broken by the outsiders easily.


Unity is important in every phase of our lives. An individual can certainly survive alone, but for being happy and celebrating happiness or to bear the sufferings of life, one needs a companion and a family.

Likewise, even a corporate cannot be successful, if it doesn’t have the team working with unity to achieve the common goal of the company. A nation also becomes economically strong if the countrymen support the government. Unity prevails everywhere .


In the end I would like to conclude that  it doesn’t matter how successful we are , we will always need people who can stand by us and support us. The proverb ‘United we stand, divided we fall’ will continue to teach lesson to people for years to come. Unity is the pillar of success and it also makes people considerate and understanding. It’s very easy to fight and stay apart from each other, but unity always has an upper hand over everything else.

Find other important Lecturette topics for the SSB here: Important Lecturette topics for SSB

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