Vessels of Indian Navy

Vessels of Indian Navy


The naval branch of the Indian Armed Forces is Indian Navy. The Supreme Commander of the Indian Navy is the president of India. The Chief of Naval Staff, a four-star admiral is commander of Indian Navy. Active Indian Navy vessels is a list of vessels in active service with the Indian Navy. Lists of vessels which are used in Navy is taken from the official Indian Navy website. The Indian Navy is the seventh most powerful navy across the globe.

Indian Navy has 1 aircraft carrier, 1 upcoming aircraft carrier, 1 amphibious transport dock, 8 Landing ship tanks, 10 destroyers, 13 frigates, 1 nuclear-powered attack submarine, 2 Nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine, 15 conventionally powered attack submarines, 23 corvettes, 7 Landing Craft Utility, 10 large offshore patrol vessels, 4 fleet tankers and various auxiliary vessels and small patrol boats till October 2020.Apart from naval vessels, the Indian Coast Guard uses around 200 patroling vessels of different sizes.

Vessels are classified into 3 Categories

1. Submarine Fleet

2. Surface Fleet

3. Auxiliary Fleet

1. Submarine Fleet

It consists submarine. Basically, Submarine is warship which is designed to operate completely submerged in the sea for long time, equipped with a periscope and armed with torpedoes or missiles.

India has two types of submarine.

a. Nuclear Powered Submarine

b. Conventional Powered Submarine

i. Nuclear Powered Submarine :- India has two nuclear powered submarine. INS Arihant (S2) is of Arhiant class of Indian origin is a ballistic missile submarine. INS Chakra (S71) is of Akula II class of Russian origin.

ii. Conventional Powered Submarine:- India has fifteen conventional powered submarine. INS Kalvari (S21), INS Khanderi (S22) and INS Karanj (S23) is of Kalvari class are Indian and French origin. INS Sindhughosh (S55), INS Sindhudhvaj (S56), INS Sindhuraj (S57), INS Sindhuratna (S59), INS Sindhukesari (S60), INS Sindhukirti (S61), INS Sindhuvijay (S62), INS Sindhurashtra (S65) are of Sindhughosh class of Soviet Union and Russian origin. INS Shishumar (S44), INS Shankush (S45), INS Shalki (S46), INS Shankul (S47) are of Shshumar class of West Germany and Indian origin.

2. Surface fleet

It consists Aircraft carriers, Amphibious transport docks, Landing ship tanks, Landing crafts, Destroyers,           Frigates, Corvettes, Offshore patrol vessels, Patrol vessels.

i. Aircraft Carriers :- Aircraft Carriers is a warship which is designed to serves as a seagoing airbase. INS Vikramaditya (R33) is of Kiev class of Russian origin is only serving aircraft carrier.

ii. Amphibious transport docks:- An amphibious transport dock, also known as a landing platform/dock (LPD), amphibious warfare ship, a ship that embarks, transports, and lands components of a landing force for military warfare missions. INS Jalashwa(L41) is of Austin class of US origin.

iii. Landing Ship Tank :-  INS Magar(L20), INS Gharial(L23) is of Magar class of Indian origin. INS Shardul (L16), INS Kesari (L15), INS Airavat (L24) are of Shardul class of Indian origin. INS Cheetah (L18), INS Guldar (L21), INS Kumbhir (L22) are of Kumbhir class of Poland origin.

iv. Landing Crafts :- INS LCU 51(L51), INS LCU 52(L52), INS LCU 53(L53), INS LCU 54(L54), INS LCU 55(L55), INS LCU 56(L56), INS LCU 57(L57), INS LCU 58(L58) are of MKIV LCU class of Indian origin.

v. Destroyers :-  It is fast moving manoueverable warship which is used to escort large vessels in fleet and defend against small short range attackers. INS Kolkata (D63), INS Kochi (D64)

INS Chennai (D65) are of Kolkata class of Indian origin. All of them are stealth guided missile destroyer. INS Delhi (D61), INS Mysore (D60),  INS Mumbai (D62) are of Delhi class of Indian origin. All of them are guided missile destroyer. INS Rajput (D51), INS Rana (D52), INS Ranvir (D54), INS Ranvijay (D55) are of Rajput class of Soviet Union. All of them are guided missile destroyer.

vi. Frigates :-  It is naval vessel which intermediate between destryers and corvettes. INS Shivalik (F47), INS Satpura (F48), INS Sahyadri (F49) are of Shivalik class of Indian origin. INS Talwar (F40), INS Trishul (F43), INS Tabar (F44), INS Teg (F45), INS Tarkash (F50), INS Trikand (F51) are of Talvar class of Indian orgin. INS Brahmaputra (F31), INS Betwa (F39), INS Beas (F37) are of Brahmaputa class of Indian origin. Ins Gomati(F21) is of Godavri class of Indian origin.

vii. Corvettes :- . It has significant role in history Indian Navy. INS Kamorta (P28), INS Kadmatt (P29), INS Kiltan (P30), INS Kavaratti (P31) are of Kamorta class of Indian origin. INS Kora (P61), INS Kirch (P62), INS Kulish (P63), INS Karmuk (P64) are of Kora class of Indian origin. INS Khukri (P49), INS Kuthar (P46), INS Kirpan (P44), INS Khanjar (P47) are of Khukri class of Indian origin.INS Nishank (K43), INS Vibhuti (K45), INS Vipul (K46), INS Vinash (K47), INS Vidyut (K48), INS Nashak (K83), INS Prabal (K92), INS Pralaya (K91) are of Veer class of Indian origin. INS Abhay (P33), INS Ajay (P34), INS Akshay (P35)  are of Abhay class of Indian Origin.

viii. Offshore Patrol Vessel :-INS CarNicobar (T69), INS Chetlat (T70), INS Kora Divh (T71), INS Cheriyam (T72), INS Cankaraso (T73), INS Kondul (T74), INS Kalpeni (T75), INS Kabra (T76), INS Koswari (T77), INS Karuva (T78), INS Tarmugli (T91)INS Tillanchang(T92), INS Tihayu (T93), INS Tarasa (T94) are of Car Nicobar class of Indian origin. INS Bangaram (T65), INS Bitra (T66), INS Batti Malv (T67), INS Baratang (T68) are of  Banagram class of Indian origin. INS Trikant is of Trikant class of Indian origin.

3. Auxiliary Fleet

i. Replenishment Ship :- INS Jyoti(A58) is of Jyoti class of Indian origin is a replenishment oiler. INS Deepak(A50), INS Shakti(A57) are of Deepak class of Italian Origin. INS Aditya(A59) is of Aditya class of Indian origin is a replenishment oiler and repair ship.

ii. Research, Survey and Tracking vessels :- INS Dhruv is of  Dhruv class of Indian Origin is missile range instrumentation vessel commissioned in October 2020. INS Sagardhwani (A74) is of Sagardhawni class of Indian origin is research vessel. INS Makar(J31) is of Makar class of Indian origin is a survey vessel.

                           Pic: INS Karnaj

                            Pic: INS Jalashwa

                              Pic: INS Arihant

                              Pic: INS Vikramaditya

Pic: INS Sindhughosh


  • Official website of Indian Navy
  • Wikipedia
  • The Hindu
  • The Indian Express
  • Britanica


– Avinash Sharma





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