How to prepare for UPSC Civil Services?


A lot of students have been asking me this question, “How to prepare for UPSC CSE?” and I myself have searched for this answer just a few years back. Now that I have come to the other side and am into the service, I think I am well placed to answer this question. Without any further beating around the bush, I will start with this answer.

The answer has many parts to it, and all those are being put as a link in this central article. These are:

  1. When must I start with UPSC CSE preparation?
  2. How long does it take to clear the exam?
  3. What are the books required for clearing it?
  4. Which coaching or notes I must refer to?
  5. How many hours per day are required?
  6. Where can people find my notes?
  7. How many tests are required?
  8. How to choose an optional?
  9. etc.

To begin with, this question has been a front-runner in the entire game of UPSC CSE. While the answer to this question is: As soon as possible, I would seriously not recommend beginning to prepare for UPSC CSE while in school. I mean you can read a little and start learning more, but do not give 8-10 hours a day from your school times itself. Learn to live a little. It is only the last 2 years of your college when you are required to put your head to it.

That being said, let’s be realistic. You can not plan to top the exam by preparing for 8-9 months. One of the UPSC CSE topper claimed during an interview that she was able to qualify the exam by preparing merely for 9 months. However, she also added that she was among one of the very few lucky ones to have qualified with such a short span of preparation. I am sure that you will not leave things to luck and would want to prepare for the exam. Remember the ground rule: If you were lucky enough then you would not be sitting in this chair and reading an article on how to qualify. You would have qualified already.

A typical exam cycle begins only when you are one year short of writing the exam. Whatever you do before this will help you build a strong foundation. Without this foundation, your building may look good but it won’t be as strong as you want it to be. So do as much before the exam-cycle of UPSC CSE as you can, so that you can qualify easily.

The foundation

Assume that you are about to write the prelims of the UPSC CSE exam in June, 2025. The real exam cycle will begin around May, 2024 when you would leave everything and simply focus on this one exam. It is recommended that you actually begin on your foundation by May, 2023. This includes reading your NCERT Books, developing the habit of reading newspaper every single day, following the current affairs, understanding basics of every subject, beginning to attempt the previous year questions, etc.

You can also begin watching some of the TV debates, web series like Pradhanmantri, and other similar material to help you understand better. These things will open your mind and prepare you for what lies ahead.

If your preparation trajectory is going very well, you should also start reading your reference books like Laxmikant, Sanjiv verma, etc. This is only to be done if you become comfortable with your preparation. Now how do you know if you’re comfortable? Simple, there is no matrix to measure. Rely on your gut feeling.

Second question, what if I am not comfortable? Simple again, stop procrastinating and being lazy and evaluate every aspect of your preparation. Then rectify your path and work hard till you get the confidence. (You’ll keep reiterating this process many times before you qualify).

The exam cycle

Let us keep building on the same scenario, where you have to write the exam in June, 2025. When May, 2024 comes, you will know that you have to make the shift and pace up your preparation. However, knowing where to start is very difficult. I would recommend that begin with the subjects that are easiest for you. Don’t start with difficult subjects as then you will begin getting disappointed very soon.

Ideally you should pick up with your optional subject, and one of the GS subjects (that you find easy). Finish the easy ones by end of July, and then pick the difficult ones by October. Then begin with the revision part and finish the first revision by February, 2025. Your optional too should be over by now.

When should I begin answer writing for UPSC CSE?

A simple answer to this question: whenever you are comfortable. If you think that you will begin answer writing immediately after you have started preparing – then be ready for disappointment. You can only begin writing answers after you have prepared for a few months atleast. There is no hard and fast rule on when can you begin, but 2 months into the prep and you would have some amount of knowledge regarding answer writing for UPSC CSE.

How should I choose my optional?

Many people prefer looking at trends before choosing an optional. They will see which optional is doing well in the market and which one is performing poorly. They forget one simple fact: the optional does not perform, the aspirant does.

So lose the temptation of choosing an optional on the basis of how has it performed in the last year. I would recommend choosing your optional for UPSC CSE on the basis of following two parameters:

  • What is your interest?
  • How easily can you get resources for the chosen subject?

Basis these two questions, you will be easily able to determine the optional that you prefer.

What books must I refer to?

I have prepared an elaborate book list for the UPSC CSE exam. You may access the list by clicking here.

Which coaching/notes are the best?

Rule 1: You do not need a coaching to qualify, but it helps to have some mentorship. There are many large players in the market. However, no single institution is great and can guarantee your selection. There are a few that provide you a guaranteed refund if you don’t clear prelims, but you know that is a scam, right?

If you really want to join the coaching institutions, then have a clear vision and join one of the big names. Do not join a coaching simply because the world is walking through their doors, or if there is a big offer on their admission fees. Some of the well established institutions do care about their reputation and ensure punctuality and quality in classes.

How many hours per day?

There is no golden rule to the number of hours. if you are a fast learner then you may be able to achieve more in a short span of time. Whereas, someone who is not comfortable with fast pace may need a longer time. Thus, decide your day by the topics that you aim to achieve and not by the number of hours you would like to spend staring at the books.

How to use a test series?

There are some good test series in the market that provide 35 tests in a year. It is recommended that you start giving these tests as soon as they are released. Do not plan to attempt these tests in the last leg of your preparation. That never helps.

While attempting the tests, you must not only attempt the paper but also read the solutions. Read the solutions to the questions that you got right as well as the ones you missed. That will ensure that you know the in an out of the concepts covered in the paper. This will also help you quickly revise a lot of material in a short span right before the prelims.

  • May 21, 2023
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